Preferensi Risiko Produksi Petani Tebu di Wilayah PT. Perkebunan Nusantara X
The national sugarcane productivity is only about 60-70 ton/ha (ideally > 100 ton/ha).
This shows that national sugarcane farming has low productivity and high production risk.
This research aims to (1) Analyze the magnitude of the risk of sugar cane production; (2)
Identify production inputs that affect the risk of sugar cane production; (3) To know the
characteristics of sugar cane farmers in facing production risk. This research was conducted
in the working area of PTPN X (Kediri Regency). The sample was taken accidentally by
selecting 35 sugarcane farmers. Coeffi cient variation analysis was used to identify the risk
scale and the Just and Pope model was used to identify the risk factors and behavior of
farmers against production risk. The results showed that (1) the risk of sugar cane production
in PTPN X region was relatively high with the value of coeffi cient variation of 0.264; (2)
production factors that increase the risk of sugar cane production are the use of seeds, and
labor; (3) sugar cane farmers in the PTPN X area were classifi ed as risk averters (risk
aversion). Support from sugar mills is needed in terms of providing inputs for production
and improving farmers’ competence.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]