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dc.contributor.authorPrastowo, Sri Handono Budi
dc.contributor.authorSupriadi, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorBahri, Samsul
dc.contributor.authorRidlo, Zainur Rasyid
dc.descriptionIOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1008 (2018) 012013 [doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1008/1/012013]en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research discussed about the correction of Stark Effect on Tritium atoms in the first excited state with relativistic conditions. The approach used to solve this Stark Effect correction was the perturbation theory which was from time independent degenerate perturbation theory to second-order correction. The Stark Effect on the excited state made the spectrum energy polarization of Tritium which was included in the isotope of hydrogen with an electron moving around the nucleus with high velocity. Hence, the relativistic correction affected the spectrum energy shift. Tritium was a radioactive material having half-time 12,3 years and relatively safe. The Tritium application was a material for the manufacture of nuclear battery. The most effective external electric field that should give to Tritium was 10 V/mith the total correction energy that was 0,97398557 × 10 -21 Joule. Therefore, its effect reduced the binding energy between electron and nucleus, and increased the power of Tritium Betavoltaics Battery.en_US
dc.subjectThe stark effecten_US
dc.subjectspectrum energy of tritiumen_US
dc.subjectfirst excited stateen_US
dc.subjectrelativistic conditionen_US
dc.titleThe Stark Effect on the Spectrum Energy of Tritium in First Excited State with Relativistic Conditionen_US

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