Strategi Pencapaian Indikator Perilaku Kesehatan pada Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat (IPKM) di Kabupaten Bondowoso (The Strategy of Achievement of Health Behavior Indicators Public Health Development Index in Bondowoso)
Ma'rufi, Isa
Prasetyowati, Irma
Nafikadini, Iken
Show full item recordAbstract
Public Health Development Index is a composite indicator that describes the progress
of the health development in an area. The purpose of this research is to examine the
strategy of achievement of health behavior indicators Public Health Development Index in
Bondowoso. This type of research was descriptive, with variable parameters indicators of
health behavior are behavior of smoking, hand-washing behavior correctly, using toilets
for defecation, physical activity sufficiently, and brushing teeth properly. The analysis used
SWOT analysis and Public Health Development Index in 2013. Value index of indicators
for health behavior was 0,575. The highest proportion of value behavioral health is the
proportion of hand washing correctly (74,2) and lowest proportion is physical activity
sufficiently (71,4), with a value of the index parameter is the proportion of hand washing
correctly is 0.140 and proportion of brushing teeth properly is 0.135. Health behavior
index achievement strategies with the improvement of preventive and promotive
activities in accordance with BOK until the basic health access is convenient to be realized.