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dc.contributor.authorWardayati, Siti Maria
dc.contributor.authorSulistiyo, Agung Budi
dc.contributor.authorJunusi, Rahman El
dc.contributor.authorAlamsyah, Alamsyah
dc.contributor.authorAfnanny, Labitsta Untsa
dc.descriptionAcc. Fin. Review 2 (3) 1 – 10 (2017)en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective – This study aims to explain the companies' financial condition and growth which is affecting going concern audit opinion of the companies listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). Financial condition is examined through the information changes in working capital to total assets, retained earnings to total assets, earnings before interest and taxes to total assets, book value of equity to book value of total liabilities, sales to total assets. Methodology/Technique – This study applies qualitative research with a description method and the populations used are all companies listed in JII period 2014-2015. Findings – The results of the study explained that the companies' financial conditions affect going concern audit opinion. The worse the financial condition of the company, the greater the probability of companies to receive going concern audit opinion, and vice versa. An auditor will give a going concern audit opinion on comp anies that are experiencing financial difficulties. The growth of the companies affects going concern audit opinion. If the sales growth is negative, the continuity of the company will be unstable, because the company will be difficult to make profits. It can cause the financial conditions of the company experience difficulties, so that the company will receive going concern audit opinion. Novelty – The study contributes literature with its empirical findings in the context of Indonesia. Type of Paper: Empirical.en_US
dc.subjectWorking Capital to Total Assetsen_US
dc.subjectRetained Earnings to Total Assetsen_US
dc.subjectEarnings Bef ore Interest and Taxes to Total Assetsen_US
dc.subjectBook Value of Equity to Book Value of Total Liabilitiesen_US
dc.subjectSales to Total Assets and the Company's Growthen_US
dc.titleImpact of Companies' Financial Condition and Growth toward Acceptance of Going Concern Audit Opinion: Empirical Study at Company Listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)en_US

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