dc.description.abstract | English has important roles in the world since it has been widely used as a mean of
communication in a lot of countries. English, as a foreign language (EFL), has been taught in
Indonesia as a compulsory subject since junior high school up to university level. Most people
learn English as the requirements to get a better job opportunity or to achieve a certain TOEFL
score as one of the requirement to study abroad and to continue studying at higher degree, master
or doctorate degree. Today, speaking is one of the important skills for the students to master. The
students must be able to express their ideas or thoughts and feeling in oral communication
(Depdikbud, 1994:32). Based on the preliminary study, it is shown that the English teacher still
gives a little allocation of time for speaking class. And the way the English teacher teaches is by
using general books recommended by the government like Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) and
Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS). This condition gets worse that most of the students tend to be
passive to use English in the classroom either in asking a question or in answering questions
given by the English teacher. Furthermore, the students have problem and find the speaking
difficult especially in creating sentences and in delivering their utterances. It seems that they are
afraid of making mistake in speaking and are not motivated in learning English especially
speaking that they become passive during the process of teaching and learning of speaking in
class. This condition indicates that the English teacher should give more portions or give more
time for speaking class. The XI IPS 1 class was the class that experienced those problems. The
Speaking test was done by the English teacher, but the result of it was still under the minimum
standard score requirement, 70. This minimum standard score requirement is used as the
Minimum Standard Competence or Standar Kompetensi Minimum (SKM) by the school.
To solve those problems, the researcher and the English teacher used media to teach
speaking skill in the class. The media are hoped to be able to increase the students’ test score as
well as to improve their active participation during the process of teaching and learning of
speaking in class. In this case the researcher and the English teacher used brochure as the media
of learning. The following was the result of the observation and speaking test in the first cycle.
In first cycle, there were two meetings or treatments and one speaking test. In meeting 1, there
were 22 students (64.7%) categorized in active category. While the rest of the students, 12
students (35.3%), were categorized in passive category. In meeting 2, there were 23 students
(65.7%) categorized in active category, while the rest of the students, 12 students (34.3%), were
categorized in passive category.
The result of the test was that there were only 21 students (60%) achieved the minimum
standard score requirement, 70. It means that the target of the research in cycle one was not
achieved that this research had to be continued to cycle two. In meeting 3, there were 25 students
(71.4%) categorized in active category, and the rest of the students, 10 students (28.6 %), were
categorized in passive category. Furthermore, in meeting 4, there were 26 students (74.8%)
categorized in active category. While the rest of the students, 9 students (25.2%), were
categorized in passive category.
According to the result of both cycles, it is shown that the result of the students’ speaking
achievement in the second cycle was better than that in the first cycle. The result showed that the
use of brochure in teaching learning process especially speaking could improve the students’
speaking achievement in class XI IPS 1. Besides, brochure can also ancourage them to express
their ideas orally. It means the use of brochure was able to make the students active in class. In
other words, the media could motivate the students to participate in the process of teaching and
learning of speaking in the class. | en_US |