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dc.contributor.authorIlminnafik, Nasrul
dc.contributor.authorListyadi, Digdo
dc.contributor.authorSutjahjono, Hary
dc.descriptionInternational Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Vol 12, No 7, 2017en_US
dc.description.abstractA research on the thermal characteristics of the flame as a parameter to determining the quality of biogas from waste market materials. The study was conducted by observing the color of fire and flame temperature biogas on a Bunsen burner, Biogas purified with solution of KOH 1 M and 4 M. Figure flame obtained by using cameras and temperature of flame was measured using thermocouples at some point in the fire. The results showed that the quality of biogas can be observed from the color and temperature of the flame. The flames from biogas that not purified having color blue. this flames higher than the color red. which indicates the methane gas is still quite dominant as indicated by the C02 content of about 44% and methane as well as the other impurities about 56%. Results purfikasi using 1 M KOH cause the C02 content decreased 6.4% so the color of flame is more blue this is reflected in declining percentage of red flame color conversely percentage of colors blue flame increased to 68%. Purification using 4 M KOH still cause a decrease in the C02 content ill biogas, although not too big. so the decline in the percentage of red and blue color flame is not too big. These results were confirmed by the temperature of flame on the third conditions flame of biogas flame. before purification after purification purfikasi with solution KOH 1M and 4M. both on the temperature distribution flame horizontally or vertically. At the flame of biogas before purification, the flame temperature lower than the flame after purified.en_US
dc.subjectThermal Characteristicen_US
dc.subjectMarket Wasteen_US
dc.titleThermal Characteristic of Flame As Quality Parameter of Biogas of Market Wasteen_US

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