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dc.contributor.authorHobri, Hobri
dc.contributor.authorSusanto, Susanto
dc.descriptionThis paper is one of result of Grand research that is funded by Dp2M Diktien_US
dc.description.abstractThe use of student worksheet based on scientific approach is needed in mathematics learning, especially in MEA era. In detail of scientific approach, there are 5 steps (5M), that is observing, questioning, assosiciating, experimenting, dan communicating. Learning process is focussed on students activity throught collaborative learning, learning community, caring community, and jumping task. The result of study is that the use of student worksheet based on scientific approach is useful for students to understand constructivistively and comprehensive. Students activity is veru good too, that students discussion, solve problems in student worksheet, and democratic situation is very good. It is conclude that if we would like to prepare students in MEA era and it’s characteristics, we have to design learning that is supported by student worksheet based scientific approach integrated with collaborative learning, learning community, caring community, dan jumping task.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDP2M Diktien_US
dc.publisherPendidikan Matematika Universitas Jemberen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProsiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika;02
dc.subjectcollaborative learning, learning community, caring community, student worksheet, scientific approach.en_US
dc.titleCollaborative Learning, Caring Community, dan Jumping Task Berbantuan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Scientific Approach: Salah Satu Alternatif Pembelajaran Matematika di Era MEAen_US

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