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dc.contributor.authorMoelyaningrum, Anita Dewi
dc.description.abstractVolume sampah in Indonesia was 490.000 ton/ day or 178.850.000 ton/ year, Which 50% was household waste (Ministry of Environment of Indonesia, 2012). Anaerobic composting not as popular as aerobic composting in Indonesia. Anaerobic composting is very simple, it dont need turnig, watering etc to decompose waste. The objective of this research is to design bioreactor modification and analyze the compost quality and the effectiveness to reduce waste, so it suitable for urban communities to composting their waste. Anaerobic and aerobic bioreaktor modification was design by plastic mineral drinking water 19 litter. The row organic materials are 3 kg kithcen waste, fruits waste 1 kg (bioreaktor anaerobic 1 and aerobic 3) and 3 kg Kithcen waste, fruids waste 1 kg, added inoculation of micro-organisms as Effective Microorganism (EM4) in 1 cc/ 500 ml water (Bioreactor anaerobic 2 and aerobic 4 ). Temperature the row material at 20.2°C (Biorea ctor 1 and 3) and at 25°C (Bioreaktor 2 and 4); pH value at 4.3 (Bioreactor 1 and 3) and 5.5 (Bioreaktor 2 and 4); moisture at 86.3 (Bioreactor 1 and 3) and 80.1 (Bioreaktor 2 and 4); carbon into Nitrogen ratios (C/N) at 23.4 (Bioreactor 1 and 3) and 18.53 (Bioreaktor 2 and 4). Monitoring temperature and pH value are show at 20°C and 6.0 (Bioreaktor 3) and at 2.2 °C and 6.7 (Bioreaktor 4). Compost Quality appropriate with Indonesia compost Standart (SNI 19-7030-2004). Anaerobic bioreactor modification can reduse organic waste bigger than aerobic bioreactor modification. It is recommendation to applying to the urban community because of simple, no need turning, watering etc and effective to reduce waste.en_US
dc.subjectHousehold wasteen_US
dc.titleHousehold Waste Bioreactor Modification Based on Anaerobic Decompositionen_US

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