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dc.contributor.authorFebi Dwi Nurcahyani
dc.description.abstractBody image is the picture of individual physical appearances and the following feelings, to a part or their whole body based on their own perception. Many girls do not feel satisfied with their own appearance. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between body image and food consumption with nutritional status of female adolescents in SMAN 2 Jember. This study was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional research design. 73 samples was token from 411 female adolescents on 10th and 11th grade in SMAN 2 Jember by proporsional random sampling. Data body image was collected with BSQ 34 questionnaire and nutritional status was determined based on IMT with z-score value. The data was analyzed by Rank Spearman test. Based on statistical tests have shown a significant correlation between body image with nutritional, levels of energy intake, protein, fat and carbohydrate with nutritional status with the p-value (0,000;0,000;0,006;0,003;0,005), while body image and levels of energy intake, protein, fat and carbohydrate showed no significant correlation with the p-value (0,102;0,093;0,295;0,315). It can be concluded that there was no correlation between body image and levels of energy intake, protein, fat and carbohydrat, and there is a correlation between body image with nutritional, levels of energy intake, protein, fat and carbohydrate with nutritional status.en_US
dc.subjectBody image, food consumption, nutritional statusen_US
dc.titleHUBUNGAN ANTARA BODY IMAGE DAN KONSUMSI MAKANAN DENGAN STATUS GIZI REMAJA PUTRI (Studi pada Remaja Putri di SMAN 2 Jember Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2014)en_US

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