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dc.contributor.authorI Gede Widhiana Suarda
dc.contributor.authorRosalind Angel Fanggi
dc.contributor.authorAinul Azizah
dc.description.abstractThis title is about the existence of Balinese Adat Crime in Denpasar the location of this research is on Paguyuban Village, sub district of north Denpasar, District of Denpasar bali. The Comprehension of Balinese youth on Paguyuban Village about balinese adat crime are quite poor. This condition seen from 84,5% of respondent that hasn't know well the Balinese Adat Crime. This Research will show that 46,55% of balinese youth on paguyuban villages will solve the balinese Adat Crime in legal ways and Balinese adat ways (the cumulatif of both) and 22,41 % of Balinese youth on paguyuban Village will solve the Balinese adat crime with legal ways or Balinese adat crime ways. the Balinese youth have idea that the balinese adat crime will still exist in the future and will be a part of Indonesian National Law, but that is need further researchen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial;Vol X No. 2 Maret 2008
dc.subjectTindak Pidana Adaten_US
dc.titleEksistensi Tindak Pidana Adat Bali di Kota Denpasaren_US

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