dc.description.abstract | Based on the result of the analysis, the steps to interpret meaning of the
utterances by using speech act theory in SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 2004, the
audience (foreign language learners) can follow these steps:
1. Finding utterance which is regarded as a speech act.
2. Finding the intention or the implicit meaning of the utterance.
3. Analysing the utterance by using felicity conditions of the conversation.
The findings of the research done revealed that in delivering intention,
sometimes a speaker states it clearly of what he wanted to say and sometimes he did
not. In SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 2004, from 11 utterances of 9 data which are
analysed, 9 utterances are in the form of implicit utterances and 2 of them are in the
form of explicit utterances. Thus, it can be said that most of the characters delivered
their intention implicitly by saying words that has a specific intention inside. In
delivering their intention, some of them are failed to achieve their goal through uttering
words to the hearer. Some of the participants could not carry out the action implied,
and sometimes the speakers are failed positioning their selves in a circumstance of the
conversation that make the utterance misfire or could not achieved to goal of speaker’s
intention. | en_US |