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dc.contributor.authorSiti Nurlailia
dc.contributor.authorJoko Widodo
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research are (1) to know the education level effect and parents income level on student achievement average of the eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 1 Banyuwangi on even semester in academic Year 2012/2013 (2) and to know the dominant factor between education level and parents income level on the student achievement average of the eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 1 Banyuwangi on even semester in the 2012/2013 academic year. This research is a quantitative research. The research location is determined by area purposive which conducted in the area of SMK Negeri 1 Banyuwangi. The sampling method use proportionate stratified random sampling with a number of 82 respondents from 7 skills courses which are divided into 14 classes. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, interview and documentation. Analysis of the data which are used in this research are the descriptive and inferential analysis (validity and reliability, multiple linear regression analysis, analysis of variance of the regression line, the F test and t test with a significance level of 0.05, which is assisted by using SPSS 16.0 for windows) . The results show that are (1) the education level and parents income level significantly influence on the student achievement average of the eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 1 Banyuwangi on even semester in the 2012/2013 academic Year amounted to 73.6% and (2) the level of parental education have a dominant influence on the student achievement average of the eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 1 Banyuwangi on even semester in the 2012/2013 academic Year amounted to 43.2%. For parents of students, although the social economic condition of low is expected, should be able to pay attention to the educational needs of the child, so the child can be the spirit in improving of academic achievement.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi;Volume VIII, Edisi 2, April 2014
dc.subjectSocio-Economic Condition of Parents, Education, Income and Learning Achievementen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan dan Tingkat Pendapatan Orang Tua Terhadap Rata-Rata Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas Xi SMK Negeri 1 Banyuwangi Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013en_US

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