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dc.contributor.authorFirmaningtyas, Winda Christanti
dc.contributor.authorS., Retna Ngesti
dc.identifier.issn1907 – 9990
dc.description.abstractThis is a quantitative study. This study aims to determine the significant influence of the mix variables promotions and consumer knowledges on consumers’ decision-making process to shop at Indomaret Genteng in Banyuwangi. It also wanted to know which of the mix variables promotions and consumer knowledges have the most dominant influence on the decision making process of consumers to shop at Indomaret Genteng Banyuwangi. The research was conducted in Indomaret at Gajah Mada Street 20 Genteng Banyuwangi. The method to determine the location of the study was using purposive area where the research was deliberately determined by certain considerations. The consumers as respondents of this study are based on a purposive sampling method totaling of 30 people. The methods of data collection through questionnaire method and documentation. The data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression analysis, analysis of variance of the regression line with the F test and t test. The research proved that the mix promotion and the consumers’ knowledges have a significant influence on the consumer decision process in to shop in Indomaret at Gajah Mada Street 20 Genteng Banyuwangi. The results also proved that the mix promotion influence dominated the consumers’ decision-making process to shop in Indomaret at Gajah Mada 20 Genteng Banyuwangien_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Jember;Volume VII, Edisi 2
dc.subjectMix Promotions, Consumer Knowledges, Decision Makingen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Bauran Promosi dan Pengetahuan Konsumen Terhadap Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Konsumen Untuk Berbelanja di Perusahaan Ritel Indomareten_US

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