Now showing items 61-80 of 81

    • Vertex-antimagic total labelings of graphs 

      Baca, M.; Bertault, F.; MacDougall, J.A.; Miller, M.; Simanjuntak, R.; Slamin (Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 2003)
      In this paper we introduce a new type of graph labeling for a graph G(V;E) called an (a; d)-vertex-antimagic total labeling. In this labeling we assign to the vertices and edges the consecutive integers from 1 to |V| + |E| ...
    • On d-antimagic labelings of prisms 

      Lin, Y.; Slamin; Baca, M.; Miller, M. (Ars Combinatoria, 2004)
    • Conjectures and open problems on face antimagic evaluations of graphs 

      Baca, M.; Baskoro, E. T.; Jendrol, S.; Lin, Y.; Miller, M.; Simanjuntak, R.; Slamin; Sugeng, K.A. (Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society, 2005)
    • (a,d)-Edge-Antimagic Total Labelings of Caterpillars 

      Sugeng, K.A.; Miller, M.; Slamin; Baca, M. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005)
      For a graph G = (V,E), a bijection g from V(G) ∪ E(G) into { 1,2, ..., ∣ V(G) ∣ + ∣ E(G) ∣ } is called (a,d)-edge-antimagic total labeling of G if the edge-weights w(xy) = g(x) + g(y) + g(xy), xy ∈ E(G), form an arithmetic ...
    • On the degrees of a strongly vertex-magic graph 

      Balbuena, C.; Barker, E.; Das, K.C.; Lin, Y.; Miller, M.; Ryan, J.; Slamin; Sugeng, K.A.; Tkac, M. (Discrete Mathematics, 2006)
      Let G=(V ,E) be a finite graph, where |V |=n2 and |E|=e1.A vertex-magic total labeling is a bijection from V ∪E to the set of consecutive integers {1, 2, . . . , n + e} with the property that for every v ∈ V , (v) +w∈N(v) ...
    • Edge-magic total labelings of wheels, fans and friendship graphs 

      Slamin; Baca, M.; Lin, Y.; Miller, M.; Simanjuntak, R. (Bulletins of ICA, 2002)
      An edge-magic total labeling on a graph with v vertices and e edges will be defined as a one-to-one map taking the vertices and edges onto the integers 1, 2, · · · , v+e with the property that the sum of the label on ...
    • Vertex-magic total labelings of disconnected graphs 

      Slamin; Prihandoko, A.C.; Setiawan, T.B.; Rosita, Fety; Shaleh, B. (Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, 2006)
      Let $G$ be a graph with vertex set $V=V(G)$ and edge set $E=E(G)$ and let $e=\vert E(G) \vert$ and $v=\vert V(G) \vert$. A one-to-one map $\lambda$ from $V\cup E$ onto the integers $\{ 1,2, ..., v+e \}$ is called {\it ...
    • On the partition dimension and connected partition dimension of wheels 

      Tomescu, I.; Javaid, Imran; Slamin (Ars Combinatoria, 2007)
    • On vertex-magic total labeling of some wheel related graphs 

      Rahim, M. T.; Tomescu, I.; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2007)
      Let G be a graph with vertex set V = V (G) and edge set E = E(G) and let e = jE(G)j and v = jV (G)j. A one-to-one map ¸ from V [ E onto the integers f1; 2; : : : ; v + eg is called vertex-magic total labeling if there ...
    • On d-antimagic labelings of antiprisms 

      Lin, Yuqing; Slamin; Miller, Mirka (Utilitas Math., 2003)
    • Exclusive Sum Labeling of Graphs 

      Miller, Mirka; Patel, Deval; Ryan, Joe; Sugeng, Kiki A; Slamin; Tuga, Mauritsius (JCMCC, 2005)
    • Most wheel related graphs are not vertex magic 

      Rahim, M. T.; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2008)
      Suppose $G$ is a finite graph with vertex-set $V(G)$ and edge-set $E(G)$. A one-to-one map $\lambda$ from $V(G)\cup E(G)$ onto the integers $1,2,3, \dots, |V(G)|+|E(G)|$ is called a {\it vertex-magic total labeling}, if ...
    • Vertex magic total labeling of unions of generalized Petersen graphs and unions of special circulant graphs 

      Silaban, D.R.; Parestu, A.; Herawati, B.N.; Sugeng, Kiki A; Slamin (JCMCC, 2009)
    • Total Vertex Irregular Labeling of Complete Bipartite Graphs 

      Wijaya, Kristiana; Slamin; Surahmat; Jendrol, Stanislav (JCMCC, 2005)
    • On super edge-magic total labeling of banana trees 

      M. Hussain; E. T. Baskoro; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2009)
      Let G1;G2;...;Gn be a family of disjoint stars. The tree obtained by joining a new vertex a to one pendant vertex of each star is called a banana tree. In this paper we consider the super edge magic total labeling of banana ...
    • On the Existence of Non-Diregular Digraphs of Order Two less than the Moore Bound 

      Slamin; Mirka Miller (Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 2011-01)
      A communication network can be modelled as a graph or a directed graph, where each processing element is represented by a vertex and the connection between two processing elements is represented by an edge (or, in case of ...
    • On Total Vertex Irregularity Strength Cocktail Party Graphs 

      Wijaya, K.; Slamin; Miller, Mirka (Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 2011-01)
      A vertex irregular total k-labeling of a graph G is a function λ from both the vertex and the edge sets to {1,2,3,,k} such that for every pair of distinct vertices u and x, λ(u)+ Σλ(uv) ≠ λ(x)+ Σλ(xy). The integer k is ...
    • Vertex-magic total labeling of the union of suns 

      Rahim, M. T.; Slamin (Ars Combinatoria, 2012)
      Let $G$ be a graph with vertex set $V=V(G)$ and edge set $E=E(G)$ and let $e=\vert E(G) \vert$ and $v=\vert V(G) \vert$. A one-to-one map $\lambda$ from $V\cup E$ onto the integers $\{ 1,2, ..., v+e \}$ is called {\it ...
    • Total vertex irregularity strength of wheel related graphs 

      Ahmad, Ali; Awan, K.M.; Javaid, Imran; Slamin (Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 2011)
      For a simple graph G with vertex set V (G) and edge set E(G), a labeling φ : V (G) ∪ E(G) → {1, 2, . . . , k} is called a vertex irregular total klabeling of G if for any two different vertices x and y, their weights wt(x) ...
    • Total Vertex Irregularity Strength of the Disjoint Union of Sun Graphs 

      Slamin; Dafik; Winnona, Wyse (International Journal of Combinatorics, 2012)
      A vertex irregular total $k$-labeling of a graph $G$ with vertex set $V$ and edge set $E$ is an assignment of positive integer labels $\{1,2,...,k\}$ to both vertices and edges so that the weights calculated at vertices ...