Now showing items 41-140 of 134

    cyberculture, female gaze, sexual taboos, dominant ideology, slash fiction (1)
    degree (1)
    Degree Diameter Problem, Graph Labeling. (1)
    Diabetes melistus, sulfonylurea, undur-undur darat (1)
    digital comic, creative thinking ability, integrated science (1)
    diregularity (1)
    Diregularity, digraph of defect two, degree-diameter problem. (1)
    disconnected graphs (1)
    diversifikasi horisantal, kedelai, koro-koroan, swasembada (1)
    diversifikasi, ketahanan pangan, kedaulatan pangan (1)
    dominating set, dominating number, total dominating set, total dominating number (1)
    Dominating set, domination number, graf operasi (1)
    doxorubicin, resistance cells, sensitive MCF-7 cell (1)
    Duranta repens L., methanolic extract, chloroformic fraction, antimalaria (1)
    Economics, Capitalism dan Globalization (1)
    edge-antimagic (1)
    Edge-magic total labeling (1)
    electropolymerisation (1)
    face antimagic (1)
    fans (1)
    feminism power, the image of female power, the javanese culture, feminist literary criticsm (1)
    financial performance and profitable banking (1)
    friendship graph (1)
    Gakin Bank, Ratio Analysis, Microfinance Institution, IFAD (1)
    Generalised Petersen graph (1)
    graph (1)
    High difficulty index, Scores TIMSS 2011 (1)
    humidity sensor (1)
    IKM, pangan, MOCAF, potensi, substitusi, terigu (1)
    IPO, appropriated, logistic regression, dummy variable (1)
    isolated vertices (1)
    it super a,d-mathcaH, total covering,Semi Jahangir graph (1)
    Keyword : Sangrai, error suhu, Logika Fuzzy (1)
    kompenssi, kepemimpinn style, motivation and performance (1)
    Krisis Pangan, Beras Cerdas, Pangan Alternatif (1)
    labeling (1)
    Leunca herbs ethanolic extract, doxorubicin, HeLa, MTT assay (1)
    lkan, ketahanan pangan, kelapa, koro-koroan, potensi local dan ubi kayu (1)
    lkon, ketahanan pangan, nasianalisme, dan patensi lokal (1)
    Lung function disorder, Worker (1)
    male feminism, male counter feminism, cultural patriarchy, feudalism, Javanese culture, feminist literary criticism (1)
    Maths textbook, Bell Creterion, Creative thinking skill (1)
    Medan Magnet ELF (1)
    Meode Statistika, Analisis Data, Program R (1)
    Microgrid, renewable energy, hybrid, neural network (1)
    minimum spanning tree, steiner tree, phylogeny (1)
    Mocaf, Singkong, Tepung (1)
    Moore bound (1)
    Multigrid Methods, Convection-Diffusion Problems (1)
    nitrogen dioxide (1)
    Non Oil Export, Exchange Rate, Gross Regional Product, Consumer Price Index, and Export Lag (1)
    Non-diregular digraphs, Moore bound (1)
    optimal portfolio, mutual funds, blue chip stocks, goal programing and market share of different (1)
    parallel port (1)
    partition dimension (1)
    passive sampler (1)
    Pelabelan super ($a,d$)-sisi antimagic total, Gabungan graf daun $mLg_n$. (1)
    Pelabelan total $(a,d)$- sisi antimagic, Graf semi parasut (1)
    Perilaku, Merokok, Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (1)
    Perkembangan Kognitif (1)
    pewarnaan titik, operasi graf, graf lintasan, graf lintasan (1)
    PISA, Change and Relationship, mathematical communication and reasoning abilities (1)
    PISA, problem solving ability, shape and space content, Rasch Model (1)
    polypyrrole (1)
    Postcolonial feminist literary criticism, literary history genre, literary liberation, resistance literature, patriarchy, women's emancipation, cultural deconstruction (1)
    potentiodynamic (1)
    prism (1)
    psychological harassment, woman trafficking, patriarchal culture, radical feminist literary of critics (1)
    quality water parameter (1)
    reflectance (1)
    reminten, motivation, income (1)
    Retail Marketing Mix, Purchase Decision, Customer Satisfaction (1)
    Right Issue, Kinerja Operasional, Bursa Efek (1)
    RME, Karakter Kreatif (1)
    RUSNAS, Diversifikasi Pangan Pokok (1)
    Salmonela, extremely low frquency magnetic fielgs (1)
    SEATL, Permutation, Arithmetic Sequence, Mountain Graph (1)
    Semiotics, Communication of Visual, Advertising Design, Print Ads "Matah Ati, Icon, Symbol, Indexes, Code Hermeneutica, Code Symbolic, Code Cultural (1)
    Steiner tree (1)
    strategi, utang, saham (1)
    Students book of curriculum 2013, Bell criteria, Scientific Approach (1)
    Sum Labelling (1)
    Sum Labelling, Exclusive, Graphs (1)
    Super $(a,d)$-edge antimagic total labeling, generalized shackle, cycle of order five with two chords. (1)
    super (a, d)-edge-antimagic total labeling, Disjoint union of disconnected graph. (1)
    super (a,d)-edge-antimagic total labeling, shackle, fan graph polyalphabetic cryptosystem. (1)
    super antimagic total covering, Triangular Cycle Ladder Graph TCL_n, Ciphertext (1)
    Super antimagic, Super antimagic total selimut, gabungan graf triangular ladder. (1)
    Super edge antimagic total labeling, generalized shackle, fan (1)
    super edge antimagic total, polyalphabetic cryptosystem, graph shackle ($F_6, B_2, n$) (1)
    Super edge-magic total labeling , banana tree (1)
    Super H-antimagic total, shackle of cycle with cords (1)
    tagwa, honest, sincere, getting up early and charity (1)
    Tanaman Kopi, Sirkulasi Udara, Tanaman Pelindung, Graf Tangga, Metode Volume Hingga. (1)
    Teori Graph, Aplikasi, Tumbuhnya Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat TInggi (1)
    Teori van Hiele (1)
    Total selimut super $(a,d)$-$\mathcal{H}$-antimagic, Shackle graf triangular (1)