Now showing items 57-76 of 134


      Istiyani, Nanik (2013-06-25)
      low-income factors in areas of origin is a major cause of female workers decided to migrate to Jember. Most of the migrant education level is high school level is 46.67%. While the views of the respective jobs maisng ...
    • Mocaf, Pertama di Dunla 

      Subagio, Achmad (Majalah Trubus, 2009-08-01)
      Indonesia kembali memecahkan rekor dunia berkat temuan Dr Achmad Subagio. Peneliti dari Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Jember itu berhasil menemukon mocaf, produk olahan terbaru dari singkong Manihot esculenta. ...
    • Most wheel related graphs are not vertex magic 

      Rahim, M. T.; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2008)
      Suppose $G$ is a finite graph with vertex-set $V(G)$ and edge-set $E(G)$. A one-to-one map $\lambda$ from $V(G)\cup E(G)$ onto the integers $1,2,3, \dots, |V(G)|+|E(G)|$ is called a {\it vertex-magic total labeling}, if ...
    • On $r$-Dynamic Coloring for Operation Product of Cycle and Cycle Graphs 

      Desy Tri Puspasari, Dafik, Slamin (2016-02-18)
      For integer $k,r>0,(k,r)$ -coloring of graph $G$ is a proper coloring on the vertices of $G$ by $k$-colors such that every vertex $v$ of degree $d(v)$ is adjacent to vertices with at least $min\{d(v),r\}$ different color. ...
    • On $r$-Dynamic Coloring of Operation Product of Cycle and Path Graphs 

      D.E.W. Meganingtyas, Dafik, Slamin (2016-02-18)
      Let $G$ be a simple, connected and undirected graph. Let $r,k$ be natural numbers. By a proper $k$-coloring of a graph $G$, we mean a map $ c : V (G) \rightarrow S$, where $|S| =k$, Such that any two adjacent vertices ...
    • On d-antimagic labelings of antiprisms 

      Lin, Yuqing; Slamin; Miller, Mirka (Utilitas Math., 2003)
    • On d-antimagic labelings of prisms 

      Lin, Y.; Slamin; Baca, M.; Miller, M. (Ars Combinatoria, 2004)
    • On diregularity of digraphs of defect two 

      Dafik, Mirka Miller, Costas Iliopoulos and Zdenek Ryjacek (The University of Newcastle Australia, 2007-11-05)
      Since Moore digraphs do not exist for k /= 1 and d /= 1, the problem of finding the existence of digraph of out-degree d >= 2 and diameter k >= 2 and order close to the Moore bound becomes an interesting problem. To ...
    • On super edge-antimagicness of connected generalized shackle of cycle with two chords 

      Arika Indah Kristiana; Dafik (2015-06-01)
      Let $G$ be a simple graph of order $p$ and size $q$. The graph $G$ is called an {\it $(a,d)$-edge-antimagic total graph} if there exist a bijection $f : V(G)\cup E(G) \to \{1,2,\dots,p+q\}$ such that the edge-weight ...
    • On super edge-magic total labeling of banana trees 

      M. Hussain; E. T. Baskoro; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2009)
      Let G1;G2;...;Gn be a family of disjoint stars. The tree obtained by joining a new vertex a to one pendant vertex of each star is called a banana tree. In this paper we consider the super edge magic total labeling of banana ...
    • On the degrees of a strongly vertex-magic graph 

      Balbuena, C.; Barker, E.; Das, K.C.; Lin, Y.; Miller, M.; Ryan, J.; Slamin; Sugeng, K.A.; Tkac, M. (Discrete Mathematics, 2006)
      Let G=(V ,E) be a finite graph, where |V |=n2 and |E|=e1.A vertex-magic total labeling is a bijection from V ∪E to the set of consecutive integers {1, 2, . . . , n + e} with the property that for every v ∈ V , (v) +w∈N(v) ...
    • On the Existence of Non-Diregular Digraphs of Order Two less than the Moore Bound 

      Slamin; Mirka Miller (Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 2011-01)
      A communication network can be modelled as a graph or a directed graph, where each processing element is represented by a vertex and the connection between two processing elements is represented by an edge (or, in case of ...
    • On the partition dimension and connected partition dimension of wheels 

      Tomescu, I.; Javaid, Imran; Slamin (Ars Combinatoria, 2007)
    • On Total Vertex Irregularity Strength Cocktail Party Graphs 

      Wijaya, K.; Slamin; Miller, Mirka (Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 2011-01)
      A vertex irregular total k-labeling of a graph G is a function λ from both the vertex and the edge sets to {1,2,3,,k} such that for every pair of distinct vertices u and x, λ(u)+ Σλ(uv) ≠ λ(x)+ Σλ(xy). The integer k is ...
    • On two conjectures concerning vertex magic total labelings of generalized Petersen graphs 

      Slamin; Miller, M. (Bulletins of ICA, 2001)
      A vertex-magic total labeling of a graph with $v$ vertices and $e$ edges is defined as a one-to-one map taking the vertices and edges onto the integers $1,2,\dots ,v+e$ with the property that the sum of the label on a ...
    • On vertex-magic total labeling of some wheel related graphs 

      Rahim, M. T.; Tomescu, I.; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2007)
      Let G be a graph with vertex set V = V (G) and edge set E = E(G) and let e = jE(G)j and v = jV (G)j. A one-to-one map ¸ from V [ E onto the integers f1; 2; : : : ; v + eg is called vertex-magic total labeling if there ...
    • Open Problems in the Construction of Large Directed Graphs 

      Dafik, Mirka Miller, Joe Ryan, Slamin (Proceedings of the sixteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algoritms, 2005-09-15)
      In this paper we consider the problem of how to construct directed graphs with given maximum out-degree and diameter. To deal with this problem, we describe several construction techniques. These fall into three broad ...
    • Paradoks Kopi dan Kebijakan Peningkatan Daya Saing Kopi Indonesia 

      Aji, Joni Murti Mulyo (2013-10)
      Kopi adalah salah satu komoditi penting secara global. Menurut catatan International Coffee Organization (ICO) setiap hari sekitar 2,25 millar cangkir kopi dikonsumsi di dunia. Jika dilihat dari nilai perdagangannya, kopi ...
    • Pelabelan Total Super $(a,d)$-Sisi Antimagic pada Graf Shackle Fan Berorder 5 

      Arika Indah Kristiana, Dafik (2016-02-18)
      et $G$ be a simple graph of order $p$ and size $q$. The graph $G$ is called an {\it $(a,d)$-edge-antimagic total graph} if there exist a bijection $f : V(G)\cup E(G) \to \{1,2,\dots,p+q\}$ such that the edge-weights, ...
    • Pelabelan Total Super $(a,d)$-sisi Antimagic pada Gabungan Saling Lepas Graf Daun $mLg_n$ 

      Sih Muhni Y; Ika Hesti A.; Dafik (Prosiding Seminar Nasional UAD, 2014-12-27)
      Pelabelan total super $(a,d)$-sisi antimagic pada sebuah graf $G=(V,E)$ adalah pelabelan titik dengan bilangan bulat $f(V)=\{1,2,3,...,p\}$ dan pelabelan sisi dengan bilangan bulat $f(E)=\{p+1,p+2,p+3,...p+q\}$ dari ...