Now showing items 21-40 of 134

    • Vertex-magic total labelings of disconnected graphs 

      Slamin; Prihandoko, A.C.; Setiawan, T.B.; Rosita, Fety; Shaleh, B. (Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, 2006)
      Let $G$ be a graph with vertex set $V=V(G)$ and edge set $E=E(G)$ and let $e=\vert E(G) \vert$ and $v=\vert V(G) \vert$. A one-to-one map $\lambda$ from $V\cup E$ onto the integers $\{ 1,2, ..., v+e \}$ is called {\it ...
    • On the degrees of a strongly vertex-magic graph 

      Balbuena, C.; Barker, E.; Das, K.C.; Lin, Y.; Miller, M.; Ryan, J.; Slamin; Sugeng, K.A.; Tkac, M. (Discrete Mathematics, 2006)
      Let G=(V ,E) be a finite graph, where |V |=n2 and |E|=e1.A vertex-magic total labeling is a bijection from V ∪E to the set of consecutive integers {1, 2, . . . , n + e} with the property that for every v ∈ V , (v) +w∈N(v) ...
    • Pemanfaatan paralel port mikrokomputer untuk pengukuran simultan empat parameter kualitas air 

      Kholis, Encik Anisa; Siswoyo, Siswoyo; Mulyono, Tri (Jurnal Kimia Lingkungan; Kelompok Studi Lingkungan Indonsia, 2006)
    • Peningkatan Ekspor Non Migas Jawa Timur (Increasing Non Oil Exports in East Java) 

      Adenan, Moh. (Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Politeknik Negeri Jember, 2006-04-30)
      Case on the research was how to increase Non Oil Export in East Java in the periods of 1994 to 2003. The findings were those variables as exchange rate, Gross Regional Product, consumer price index and export lag significant ...
    • Electropolymerisation and Characterisation of Doped-Polypyrrole as Humidity Sensor 

      Siswoyo, Siswoyo; Nugroho, Trio F; Zulfikar, Zulfikar; Subekti, Agus (Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 2006-07)
      A new type of sensing materials for humidity measurement has been developed based on conducting polymer polypyrrole synthesised from pyrrole by adding some dopant compounds, bromide and chloride, it is prepared by ...
    • Super Edge-Antimagicness for a Class of Disconnected Graphs 

      DAFIK M Mirka, J Ryan, M Baca (CIAO (Center for Informatics and Applied Optimisation), ITMS (School of Information Technology and Mathematical Science), University of Ballarat Australia., 2006-07-13)
      A graph G of order p and size q is called an (a,d)-edge-antimagic total if there exist a bijection f : V (G) U E(G) ---> {1, 2, ...., p + q} such that the edge-weights, w(uv) = f(u) + f(v) + f(uv); uv in E(G), form an ...
    • On the partition dimension and connected partition dimension of wheels 

      Tomescu, I.; Javaid, Imran; Slamin (Ars Combinatoria, 2007)
    • On vertex-magic total labeling of some wheel related graphs 

      Rahim, M. T.; Tomescu, I.; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2007)
      Let G be a graph with vertex set V = V (G) and edge set E = E(G) and let e = jE(G)j and v = jV (G)j. A one-to-one map ¸ from V [ E onto the integers f1; 2; : : : ; v + eg is called vertex-magic total labeling if there ...
    • On diregularity of digraphs of defect two 

      Dafik, Mirka Miller, Costas Iliopoulos and Zdenek Ryjacek (The University of Newcastle Australia, 2007-11-05)
      Since Moore digraphs do not exist for k /= 1 and d /= 1, the problem of finding the existence of digraph of out-degree d >= 2 and diameter k >= 2 and order close to the Moore bound becomes an interesting problem. To ...
    • Structural Properties and Labeling of Graphs 

      Dafik (School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of Ballarat, 2007-11-25)
      The complexity in building massive scale parallel processing systems has re- sulted in a growing interest in the study of interconnection networks design. Network design a®ects the performance, cost, scalability, and ...
    • Most wheel related graphs are not vertex magic 

      Rahim, M. T.; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2008)
      Suppose $G$ is a finite graph with vertex-set $V(G)$ and edge-set $E(G)$. A one-to-one map $\lambda$ from $V(G)\cup E(G)$ onto the integers $1,2,3, \dots, |V(G)|+|E(G)|$ is called a {\it vertex-magic total labeling}, if ...
    • Prosedur Operasi Standar (POS) Produksi MOCAF Berbasis Klaster 

      Subagio, Achmad; Siti W, WIwik; Witono, Yuli; Fahmi, Fikri (FTP UNEJ - SEAFAST CENTER IPB, 2008-01-01)
      Kebutuhan pangan yang berkembang dengan cepat memaksa pemerintah bersama-sama petani, industri pangan dan Perguruan Tinggi perlu merancang strategi untuk mencapai swasembada pangan sehingga mampu mencukupi kebutuhan ...
    • Sebuah Masa Depan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional Berbasis Potensi Lokal 

      Subagio, Achmad (Puslitbang BULOG, 2008-01-01)
      Sampai saat ini pemanfaatan ubi kayu di lndonesia masih sangat terbatas. Pemanfaatan ubi kayu sebagian besar diolah menjadi produk setengah jadi berupa pati (tapioka), tepung ubi kayu, gaplek dan chips. Produk olahan yang ...
    • Ekonomi Kapital dan Globalisasi 

      Adenan, Moh. (Jurusan Syariah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Jember, 2008-04-30)
      Globalization has two understandings, one as definition is a process unifying world market became single market - border-less, the other as prescription creating economy more efficient and healthy for advanced world ...
    • Vertex magic total labeling of unions of generalized Petersen graphs and unions of special circulant graphs 

      Silaban, D.R.; Parestu, A.; Herawati, B.N.; Sugeng, Kiki A; Slamin (JCMCC, 2009)
    • On super edge-magic total labeling of banana trees 

      M. Hussain; E. T. Baskoro; Slamin (Utilitas Math., 2009)
      Let G1;G2;...;Gn be a family of disjoint stars. The tree obtained by joining a new vertex a to one pendant vertex of each star is called a banana tree. In this paper we consider the super edge magic total labeling of banana ...
    • Pengembangan Potensi Lokal untuk Bahan Baku Pangan dan Industri sebagai Usaha Meningkatkan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional 

      Rofiq, Aunur; Subagio, Achmad (PERUM BULOG, 2009-04-10)
      Dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, sampai saat ini kecukupan kalori dan protein masyarakat lndonesia, masih rendah. Untuk itu, diperlukan penggalian sumber protein dan karbohidat alternatif, seperti ubi kayu dan ...
    • Aktivitas antimalaria ekstrak metanol dan fraksi kloroform buah Duranta repens L. pada mencit yang diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei 

      Nuri; Puspitasari, Endah; Herjuno, Adityo; Wulandari, Indrasworo Septi (Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Jember, 2009-06)
      Malaria is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the tropical countries. The resistance of Plasmodium for many synthetic antmalarial drugs has encouraged the scientist to look for new drugs from the nature. ...
    • Mocaf, Pertama di Dunla 

      Subagio, Achmad (Majalah Trubus, 2009-08-01)
      Indonesia kembali memecahkan rekor dunia berkat temuan Dr Achmad Subagio. Peneliti dari Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Jember itu berhasil menemukon mocaf, produk olahan terbaru dari singkong Manihot esculenta. ...
    • Mencari lkon Pergerakan Nasionalisme Pangan Indonesia 

      Subagio, Achmad (PEUM BULOG, 2009-10-10)
      Saat ini lndonesia sedang disibukkan oleh agenda-agenda politik, mulai dari pemilu legislatif, hingga Pemilihan presiden, dan terorisme, serta hubungan KPK-POLRI-Kejaksaan. Di pihak lain, bencana alam, kecelakaan, wabah ...