Now showing items 7257-7276 of 12673

    • On d-antimagic labelings of prisms 

      Lin, Y.; Slamin; Baca, M.; Miller, M. (Ars Combinatoria, 2004)
    • On diregularity of digraphs of defect two 

      Dafik, Mirka Miller, Costas Iliopoulos and Zdenek Ryjacek (The University of Newcastle Australia, 2007-11-05)
      Since Moore digraphs do not exist for k /= 1 and d /= 1, the problem of finding the existence of digraph of out-degree d >= 2 and diameter k >= 2 and order close to the Moore bound becomes an interesting problem. To ...
    • On Distance Irregular Labeling of Disconnected Graphs 

      SUSANTO, Faisal; WIJAYA, Kristiana; PURNAMA, Prasanti Mia; SLAMIN, Slamin (Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, 2022-08-13)
      A distance irregular k-labeling of a graph G is a function f : V (G) → ¶1, 2, . . . , k♢ such that the weights of all vertices are distinct. The weight of a vertex v, denoted by wt(v), is the sum of labels of all vertices ...

      Slamin, Slamin (2017-11-30)
      Motivated by definition of distance magic labelling, we introduce a new type of irregular labelling whose evaluation is based on the neighbourhood of a vertex. We define a distance irregular labelling on a ...
    • On Distance Irregularity Strength of Lollipop, Centipede, and Tadpole Graphs 

      KUSBUDIONO, Kusbudiono; PRATIWI, C.H.; WIJAYA, Kristiana (ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam, 2020-02-01)
      Let G be a simple graph. A distance irregular vertex k-labelling of a graph G is defined as a labelling λ:V(G)⟶{1,2,…,k} which is every two distinct vertices x,y∈V(G) have different weights, wt(x)≠wt(y). The weight of a ...
    • On distance-irregular labelings of cycles and wheels 

      Novi H. Bong; Yuqing Lin; Slamin, Slamin (2017-12-04)
      Distance-irregular labeling was introduced by Slamin, and in his paper he determined the distance-irregular labeling for cycles and wheels of length f0; 1; 2; 5g mod 8. In this paper, we complete his results for cycles and ...
    • On Generalization of Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) Models: An Approach of Row Column Interaction Models for Counting Data 

      A. F., Hadi,; H, Sa’diyah,; R., Iswanto (MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, 2017-08-12)
      Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model was commonly used to analyze Genotype Environment × Interaction with normal response variables, now it had been generalized for categorical or other ...
    • on Graceful Chromatic Number of Vertex amalgamation of Tree Graph Family 

      KRISTIANA, Arika Indah; AJI, Ahmad; WIHARDJO, Edy; SETYAWAN, Deddy (CAUCHY –Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi, 2022-08-13)
      Definition graceful k-coloring of graph 𝐺 = (𝑉, 𝐸) is proper vertex coloring 𝑐: 𝑉(𝐺) → {1,2, … , 𝑘); 𝑘 ≥ 2, which induces a proper edge coloring 𝑐′: 𝐸(𝐺) → {1,2, … , 𝑘 − 1} defined 𝑐 ′ (𝑢𝑣) = |𝑐(𝑢) − ...
    • On H-Supermagic Labelings of m-Shadow of Paths and Cycles 

      AGUSTIN, Ika Hesti; SUSANTO, Faisal; DAFIK; PRIHANDINI, Rafiantika Megahnia; ALFARISI, Ridho; I. W. Sudarsana (2019-03-04)
      The labeling f is called super if the smallest possible labels appear on the vertices. A graph that admits (super) (a,d)-H-antimagic total labeling is called (super) (a,d)-H-antimagic.
    • On inclusive 1-Distance Vertex Irregularity Strength of Firecracker, Broom, and Banana Tree 

      HALIKIN, Ikhsanul; SAVITRI, Ade Rizky; WIJAYA, Kristiana (Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam, 2020-03-03)
      Let k be a natural number and G be a simple graph. An inclusive d-distance vertex irregular labelling of a graph G is a function 𝜆: 𝑉(𝐺) ⟶ {1,2, … , 𝑘} so that the weights at each vertex are different. Let v be a vertex ...
    • On inclusive distance vertex irregularity strength of small identical copies of star graphs 

      SUSANTO, Faisal; HALIKIN, Ikhsanul; WIJAYA, Kristiana; BETISTIYAN, C. N. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-05-14)
      For a simple graph G, an inclusive distance vertex irregular k-labeling of G is a mapping λ : V (G) → {1, 2, . . . , k} such that all the vertex-weights are pairwise distinct, where the weight of a vertex v, denoted by ...
    • On Local Adjacency Metric Dimension of Some Wheel Related Graphs with Pendant Points 

      Rinurwati, Rinurwati; Suprajitno, Herry; Slamin, Slamin (2017-12-04)
      Let G =(V(G),E(G)) be any connected graph of order n = |V(G)| and measure m = |E(G)|. For an order set of vertices S = { s 1 , s 2 , ..., s k } and a vertex v in G, the adjacency representation of v with respect to ...
    • On Local Irregularity of the Vertex Coloring of the Corona Product of a Tree Graph 

      KRISTIANA, Arika Indah; HIDAYAT, M.; ADAWIYAH, Robiatul; DAFIK, Dafik; SETIAWANI, Susi; ALFARISI, Ridho (Jurnal Bioindustri, 2022)
      Let G = (V, E) be a graph with a vertex set V and an edge set E. The graph G is said to be with a local irregular vertex coloring if there is a function f called a local irregularity vertex coloring with the properties: ...
    • On locating independent domination number of amalgamation graphs 

      Wardani, Dwi Agustin Retno; Dafik, Dafik; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Kurniawati, Elsa Yuli (2018-02-28)
      An independent set or stable set is a set of vertices in a graph in which no two of vertices are adjacent. A set D of vertices of graph G is called a dominating set if every vertex u 2 V (G) ¡ D is adjacent to some vertex ...
    • On Max-Plus Algebra and Its Application on Image Steganography 

      SANTOSO, Kiswara Agung; FARMAWATI, Fatmawati; SUPRAJITNO, Herry (The Scientifc World Journal, 2018-05-15)
      We propose a new steganography method to hide an image into another image using matrix multiplication operations on max plus algebra. Tis is especially interesting because the matrix used in encoding or information disguises ...

      Rinurwati, Rinurwati; Suprajitno, Herry; Slamin, Slamin (2017-11-30)
      This paper discusses some characterization and exact values for metric dimension of edge-corona from a connected graph not tree G with an arbitrary nontrivial graph H.
    • On r-Dynamic Chromatic Number of the Corronation of Path and Several Graphs 

      KRISTIANA, Arika Indah; DAFIK, Dafik; UTOYO, Muhammad Imam; AGUSTIN, Ika Hesti (International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), [Vol-4, Issue-4, Apr- 2017], 2017-04-09)
      This study is a natural extension of k -proper coloring of any simple and connected graph G. By a n rdynamic coloring of a graph G, we mean a proper k coloring of graph G such that the neighbors of any vert ...
    • On r-Dynamic Coloring of Some Graph Operations 

      N.I. Wulandari, I.H. Agustin, Dafik (2016-02-02)
      Let $G$ be a simple, connected and undirected graph. Let $r,k$ be natural number. By a proper $k$-coloring of a graph $G$, we mean a map $ c : V (G) \rightarrow S$, where $|S| = k$, such that any two adjacent vertices ...
    • On r-dynamic coloring of some graph operations 

      Agustin, Ika Hesti; Dafik, Dafik; A.Y. Harsya (2018-03-07)
      Let G be a simple, connected and undirected graph. Given r; k as any natural numbers. By an r-dynamic k-coloring of graph G, we mean a proper k-coloring c(v) of G such that jc(N(v))j minfr; d(v)g for each vertex v in ...
    • On r-dynamic vertex coloring of some flower graph families 

      GOMATHI, C.S.; MOHANAPRIYA, N.; KRISTIANA, Arika Indah; DAFIK, Dafik (World Scientific Publishing Company, 2021-03-03)
      e a simple, connected undirected graph with m vertices and n edges. Let ver tex coloring c of a graph G be a mapping c : V (G) → S, where |S| = k and it is k-colorable. Vertex coloring is proper if none of the any two ...