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dc.contributor.authorTimur Prabowo Pardjan
dc.description.abstractThe raising up of consumer request about rhizome ginger every year can not be fulfiled yet by ginger production in Indonesia. This condition happened because of the limited ginger field area, conventional system to plant ginger, the lower of organic material in the soil , the use of expensive organic fertilizer often increase ginger price production and gave bad effect to the environment and healthiness. Applying nonconventional plantation using polybag system, giving organic fertilizer, and using organic medium are hoped can increase gingers product and quality. The objective of this research is to know the effect of organic fertilizer concentration to the growth and the result of three rhizome ginger variety. The research had be done in August 2010 until January 2011 in agrotechnopark agriculture faculty, Jember University. The trial was arranged factorial 3 x 4 using system group randomly with three times trial. The first factor was ginger variety divided to three kinds namely V1 (elephant ginger), V2 (emprit ginger), V3 ( red ginger) the second factor fertilizer concentration divided into four namely K0(control), K1(5 gram/liter), K2(10 gram/liter), K3(15 gram/liter). The result from this research was variety factor gave significant effect to the plant high, total sprout, total brussels sprout, weight wet plant, weight dry plant, weight rhizome, volume rhizome, containment of chlorophyll, gave significant effect to ILD and gave not significant effect to the total leaves. Better result from nine parameters was on bird ginger. Organic fertilizer concentration gave not significant effect to all parameters. In addition kinds of interaction ginger variety and organic fertilizer concentration gave not significant effect to all parameters that had been observed.en_US
dc.subjectPengaruh Konsentrasi Pupuken_US
dc.titlePengaruh Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Rimpang Tiga Varietas Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) : Timur Prabowo Pardjan. 061510101138en_US

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