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dc.contributor.authorUMMI ZAKIYAH
dc.description.abstractThis Classroom Action Research was intended to improve the tenth grade students’ reading comprehension achievement through Jigsaw Technique at MA Darussalam Jember in the 2009/2010 academic year. This research was started by conducted preliminary study in the form of interview with the English teacher of the tenth grade students of MA Darussalam Jember. Based on the interview, it was known that the tenth grade students had difficulties in grasping idea presented in reading text so that they could not catch the message of the whole text. It was also known that they were lack of interest and their participation was low in teaching learning process. In addition the result of their reading test conducted by the teacher revealed that there were only 5 of 19 students (26.13%) who could achieve the passing grade, 60. Therefore, this class was chosen as the research subjects of this research. Jigsaw IV technique as one of the techniques of cooperative learning was chosen to overcome the students’ problem in reading comprehension. Jigsaw IV Technique was a technique which helped the students to comprehend the reading text given by sharing the idea with the group members. In this technique, the students worked and thought together to discuss with all members of the group. Students helped each other on material to be mastered. Each members of group got the same chance to support their team to get a maximum score. This condition could motivate the students to study more carefully because they thought that they had their own responsibility to do the assignments given by the teacher.Based on the results of reading comprehension achievement test done in Cycle 1, it was found that the students who got score ≥60 were 12 students or 63.13%. Concerning with the students’ participation, it was found that there was 53.63% of the students who were actively involved in the teaching and learning process of reading. In other words, the results of the actions in the first cycle had not achieved the target of this research. The criteria of success of this research was at least 75% of the students got score ≥60, and 75% of the students were actively involved in the teaching and learning process of reading. Therefore, the actions were continued by revising the weaknesses found in Cycle 1. The revisions were as follows: 1. The researcher divided the students into groups based on the reading test result and the result of observation of Cycle 1; 2. The researcher helped the students to find difficult words in the texts; 3. The researcher used pictures related to the topic in the introduction. The result of actions in Cycle 2 showed improvement. The percentage of the students who got score ≥60 increased from 63.13% (12 students) in Cycle 1 to 78.95% (15 students) in Cycle 2. Besides, the students’ participation also improved from 53.63% in Cycle 1 to 81.58% in Cycle 2. It means that the target for both product and process evaluation has been achieved. Finally, the findings in the two cycles showed that the use of Jigsaw IV Technique could improve the tenth grade students’ reading comprehension achievement as well as their participation. Therefore, the English teacher was suggested to use Jigsaw IV Technique as an alternative technique in teaching reading, as a new learning experience for the students, and as information for future reseachers to conduct further researches dealing with the application of Jigsaw IV.en_US
dc.subjectReading Comprehension Achievement by Using Jigsaw IV Techniqueen_US

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