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dc.contributor.authorAhmad Falih
dc.description.abstractTT status screening program has been implemented by Jember District Health Department in early 2010 as a follow up from the level of cases and deaths from tetanus neonatarum (TN) which were still high. However, it had not been the end of 2010, there was already some cases and deaths due to TN. It showed that the implementation of the screening program was already running but was still not optimal so that it needed to be evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capacity and motivation of staffs, implementation and results of the TT status screening program in 2010, and the history of incident cases of TN in the village in 2010. The study was a descriptive study using qualitative approach. Samples were divided into 2, namely 1). All screening officers who were willing to become respondents to evaluate the screening program (total population), 2). The whole village midwives cases (the main respondents) with using triangulation to most of the cases of pregnant women and traditional birth attendants cases (respondents support) for the evaluation of TN history events (purposive sampling). Data analysis used was descriptive and thematic content analysis. The results showed that most officers had the capacity with a moderate level (59%), intrinsic motivation with a high level (71%), and extrinsic motivation with a high level (53%). Implementation of TT status screening programs by 2010 by most respondents was still in the category which had not been in accordance with the provisions of the program. Results of T5 and T2 plus pregnant women coverage still did not meet the target. The evaluation results of TN history events indicated that the officers did not perform screening and also did not provide the TT injection in most cases of pregnant women, all pregnant women do birth process cases on traditional birth attendants, and the use of knife and tomang ash in cutting the umbilical cord and treatment in most TN infants.en_US
dc.titleEVALUASI PROGRAM SKRINING STATUS TETANUS TOXOID WANITA USIA SUBUR (TT WUS) DAN RIWAYAT KEJADIAN TETANUS NEONATARUM (TN) DI JEMBER TAHUN 2010 (Studi Kasus pada Bidan di Puskesmas Patrang, Mayang, Ledokombo, Sumberjambe, dan Karangduren)en_US

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