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dc.contributor.authorDwi Wahyu Ningtyas
dc.description.abstractDiabetes mellitusisali felong disease that influence spatient’s quality of life. A number of studies report that life with diabetes have negative influence against the quality of life of patients though with or without a complication. The Purpose of this research is to analyze factors that deal with the quality of life of patients type IIdiabetes mellitus at Public Hospital of Bangil, P asuruan. T he se fa c tors a re such as age , ge nde r, lev e l of e duc ati on, the stat us of soci oe c onomic s, the stat us of marriage, durat ion and com pli c ati on diabete s me ll it us. T his re se arch w as anal y ti c al st udy usi ng c ross se c ti onal de sign. T he samples w e re 45 pe ople suff e ring type II diabete s me ll it us. T he data obtai n e d w e re pres e nted in tab le form and analyze d usi ng logi sti c re gression w it h signi fi c anc e le v e l of 5 % (α = 0,05 ) . T he re are signi fi c ant re lat ionsh ip be tw e e n the lev e l of e duc ati on, the stat us of socioe c onomi c s based on incom e , durat ion and c omplication of diabete s me ll it us w it h the quali ty of li fe in type II diabete s me ll it us pati e nt . Howe v e r, there are n ot signi fi c ant re lat ionsh ip be tw e e n age , ge nd e r, and th e sta tus of socioe c onomi c s b ased on the use of he alt h insur anc e w it h quali ty of l if e in type II diabete s me ll it us pati e nt. T he re are an e x pe c te d incre ase in he alt h promoti on and e arly de tec ti on in c omm u nit y , e spec ial ly about the sy mptoms and dange rs of diabete s me ll it us.en_US
dc.subjectQualit y of L if e , T y pe II Diabe tes M e ll it us, Fac tors Re lat i onshi p w it h Qualit y of L if e in Pat iens Diabe tes M e li tus T y pe I Ien_US

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