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dc.contributor.authorEko Purna Putra
dc.description.abstractNon communicable disease is the greatest cause of death in indonesia one of them is hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension in the world very high so also occurring in indonesia. Geographic factors is one of the risk factors of hypertension. Population of coastal areas have a greater risk of hypertension than the population of mountains. It became reason the researchers conduct research in village gili ketapang district probolinggo, because it is a coastal area is in form of an island. This research is analyze the risk factors of hypertension in yhe population ofcoastal areas in the Gili Ketapang villagge. This research is non reactive research or unobstrusive measures, because the data used is in form of data secondary. Analysis of data conducted include analysis univariat, bivariat, and multivariate with α = 0.05. Based on the research known that incident of hypertension in gili ketapang village probolinggo regency is 69,7 %. The age has the largest percentage is ≥ 66 years (35,8%), most of the reponden have total cholesterol levels with normal criteria (73,1 %), did not suffer from diabetes mellitus (87.6%), not exercising (94.5 %), no smoking (93%), there are not obese (76,6%), and the majority of reponden often consume salty foods (90%). The risk factor associated with an occurrence of hypertension on this research are age ( p-value 0,000 ) and consumption of salty foods ( p-value 0,003 ). While risk factors the most dominant associated with the incident of hypertension is age with the odd ratio is 1,622.en_US
dc.subjectHypertension, Risk Factors, Coastal Areas Population.en_US
dc.titleFAKTOR RISIKO HIPERTENSI PADA PENDUDUK DAERAH PANTAI (Analisis Data Sekunder Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas II Probolinggo Tentang Deteksi Dini Penyakit Tidak Menular di Desa Gili Ketapang Kabupaten Probolinggo Tahun 2012 )en_US

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