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dc.contributor.authorBunga Chandrakirana
dc.description.abstractNutritional anaemia caused by iron deficiency is still a major nutritional problems in Indonesia. The main cause of AGB (Nutritional Anaemia Iron) is the lack of iron intake from food or a low absorption of iron found in food that iron needs are not met. AGB also be caused by a reciprocal relationship between the adequacy of nutritional intake, especially in iron and protein, especially worm infections with disease. This research was observational and analytical study based on time, is a cross sectional study. This research was conducted at Panti Asuhan Nurmulyani and Panti Asuhan Yabappenatim. The sample size in this study were 32 people by taking the entire population because their numbers <100. The data were then analyzed using an independent test sample T-Test and Chi-Square test was used with α = 0.05. Results showed that there were differences between the pattern of Food consumption of corn rice, bread, and instant noodles. There are differences in the pattern of chicken meat consumption, beef, fish Parch, swordfish, fresh fish, and chicken eggs. There is differences in consumption patterns of vegetables spinach, mustard, kangkong, chayote, and cassava leaves for. There is differences in iron consumption patterns of noodles, bread, chicken, beef, eggs, fresh fish, green beans, spinach, mustard, leaf katuk, cassava leaves, kangkong, and banana ambon registration. There is differences in consumption of vitamin C in leaves of cassava, mustard, cabbage, spinach, guava, papaya, and mango for. There is different levels of energy consumption, carbohydrate, protein, fat, Fe and vitamin C. There is a difference between the status of anaemia adolescent Hb. There is a difference between worm infection. From the results of the study, expected to be repaired and improved child nutrition in the nursing-home care Social necessary cooperation between the parties with the Health Department Orphanage, by way of carrying out monitoring (monitoring) and adolescents on the level of nutrient consumption, anaemia, and worm infection foster children on a regular basis. Keywords: food consumption, anaemia, worm infections, teenage female, rural and urban orphanageen_US
dc.titlePERBEDAAN KONSUMSI MAKAN, ANEMIA DAN INFEKSI KECACINGAN PADA REMAJA PUTRI DI PANTI ASUHAN (Studi di Panti Asuhan Nurmulyani Kecamatan Sumberjambe dan Panti Asuhan Yabappenatim Kecamatan Patrang Kabupaten Jember)en_US

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