Gambaran Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Keluarga dalam Memanfaatkan Pelayanan Rawat Inap di Puskesmas Ngemplak I Sleman (Description of Factors that Encourage Family’s Decision on Utilizing Hospitalization Facility at Public Health Center of Ngemplak I Sleman Yogyakarta)
Public Health Center of Ngemplak I is one of Public Health Center in Sleman Regency which has hospitalization facility. Based on Bed Occupation Rate (BOR), hospitalization at Public Health Center of Ngemplak I has been utilized optimally. BOR in 2001 was 89.11% and in 2002 was 93.8%. If it is compared with another Public Health Center in Sleman Regency, the utilization of hospitalization facility at Public Health Center of Ngemplak I is the highest. Moreover, some people in Prambanan and Kalasan District chose to utilize hospitalization facility at Public Health Center of Ngemplak I even though there is Public Health Center with hospitalization facility in their place. The objective of this research was to identify factors that encourage family’s decision on utilizing hospitalization facility at Public Health Center of Ngemplak I Sleman. The method of this research was qualitative study. The subject was the family of patients who were being hospitalized. Sample was defined using an accidental sampling. Interview guidance and questionnaire were used to collect the data. The result showed that factors from provider which encourage family’s decision were low cost, short distance, quick treatment, friendly service, easy administration, good facilities, and complete diagnostic tools. On the other hand, the internal factors that encourage family`s decision were income, health insurance participation, illness severity, and experience of previous utilization.
- Fakultas Keperawatan [21]