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dc.contributor.authorRizma Guna Pratiwi
dc.description.abstractTo established the service excellence started from by realize or increase of human resource to give an service excellence, to approach match or more service standart an order. The human resource which meant is the officer principle in the organization with the professionalism of officer so that the organization can expect to give the best service or the quality service, so that can increase the speciality of competition capacity and satisfy customer. The professionalism of an officer can measure by three indicator wich the competence of the officer,dedication and work etique. Exactly quality service can measure by five indicator wich team work, match skill, feel presser in work, inner conflict confusion in job. The aim of the observation is to know if is there any relationship of Officer Profesionalism With Service Quality of PT.JAMSOSTEK (coorporation) Branch Jember. The kind of this research is asosiative simetrict research. The research located in PT.JAMSOSTEK (coorporation) branch Jember. Technique of intake sample with sensus or satisfied sampling.This research use the technique analyse the quantitative data that is by colleting data expressed with number. And then analysed by using statistical method non parametric Rank Sperman to know if is there any relationship of officer profesionalism with quality service PT.JAMSOSTEK (coorporation)branch Jember.The corelation result is 0,607 exactly value in table critis for rho value is 0,425. This indicated that corelation count is bigger than critis value. So this research refused Ho and accepted Ha, so that there is relationship between officer profesionalism with service quality PT.JAMSOSTEK (coorporation) branch Jember.en_US
dc.subjectOfficer professionalismen_US
dc.titleHubungan Profesionalisme Pegawai dengan Kualitas Pelayanan PT. Jamsostek (Persero) Cabang Jember.en_US

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