Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Consumer Attitudes Towards Food Attributes Due to the Dynamics of Supply Shock Covid 19 

      SETYAWATI, Intan Kartika; ZAINUDDIN, Ahmad; WIBOWO, Rudi; MAGHFIROH, Illia Seldon; RAHMAN, Rena Yunita; SUCIATI, Luh Putu; HANI, Evita Soliha; RIDJAL, Julian Adam; IBANAH, Indah (AIP Conf, 2021-12-02)
      Regional lockdown policies and work-from-home patterns have led to changes in consumer behavior and household food purchases. This study aims to determine consumer attitudes towards food attributes due to the dynamics of ...
    • Relational Behavior in Smallholder Cocoa Marketing Channels 

      HARIYATI, Yuli; RISTAMAYA, Rulita Irma; RAHMAN, Rena Yunita; FAUZIAH, Diana; IBANAH, Indah (E3S Web of Conferences, 2019)
      This research aimed to analyze the behavior in smallholder cocoa marketing agencies in Sempu Village Banyuwangi District. The choice of Jambewangi Village was intentional because there was lots of cocoa farming and known ...