Now showing items 253-272 of 1873

    • Cheap Cellulase Production by Aspergillus sp. VTM1 Through Solid State Fermentation of Coffee Pulp Waste 

      RUSDIANTIA, Reni; A.AZIZAH, A. Azizah; UTARI, Esti; WIYONO, Hidayat Teguh; MUZAKHAR, Kahar (Key Engineering Materials, 2021-05-04)
      Coffee pulp biomass waste can easily be found anywhere in Indonesia, considering it is the fourth world's largest coffee exporter. The utilization of coffee pulp is very limited and is categorized as a source of pollutants ...
    • Chemical coagulation of coffee wastewater for smallholder coffee agro-industry 

      NOVITA, Elida; SUDARJANTO, Gatut; BAGASTYO, Arseto Yekti (Engineering Goes Green, 2012-11-07)
      Water minimization for processing Robusta coffee has improved the green coffee quality. However, this approach leads to increase color and organic matter concentrations in the downstream process. In this study, different ...
    • Chest Physioterapy in Children with Pneumonia: A Literature Review 

      NINGRUM, Faizah Shofiya; FEBRIANSARI, Rizeki Dwi; MAISYAROH, Arista; MUSVIRO, Musviro (UPT Penerbitan & Percetakan Universitas Jember, 2020-11-24)
      Pneumonia is the cause of acute inflammation or infection lungs caused by infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and aspirated objects foreign), which stimulates a response resulting in damage to the lung tissue ...
    • Chocolate Industry in Puslitkoka Jember is Benefits of Colonial Heritage 

      HASANAH, Hasanah; UMAMAH, Nurul; NA'IM, Mohamad (IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)
      In Indonesia, plantations can cultivate industrial crops such as cocoa, coffee, coconut and tea. The plantation system in Indonesia was also introduced through Western colonialism, namely Dutch colonialism. One of the ...
    • Circulation Effect of Coffee Wastewater Flow in Water Hyacinth Phytoremediation 

      NOVITA, Elida; WAHYUNINGSIH, Sri; SOEKARNO, Siswoyo; RUKMAWATI, Betty Siska (Universitas Brawijaya, Malang-Indonesia, 2015-06-05)
      Coffee processing wastewater containing high organic matter. If the coffee waste water discharged into waterways, it would contaminate and be harmful to people who consume it. Therefore, wastewater from the coffee industry ...
    • Classification of genetic expression in prostate cancer using support vector machine method 

      ANGGRAENI, Dian; KOMARUDIN, Salik Alfi; HADI, Alfian Futuhul; RISKI, Abduh (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020-09-21)
      Prostate cancer has long been a concern of expert’s human genetics in health research. However, an explanation of the main causes of prostate cancer cannot be obtained metabolically-biologic, except the most common one ...
    • Classification Using Nonparametric Logistic Regression for Predicting Working Status 

      WIBOWO, Wahyu; AMELIA, Rahmi; OCTAVIA, Fanny Ayu; WILANTARI, Regina Niken (AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021-02-12)
      Logistic regression is classical and prominent method for classification and it is used as benchmark for comparing the alternative methods. However, logistic regression is not always superior compared to the other methods. ...
    • Classroom Management Skills Of Physics Student Intern In SMK Negeri 5 Jember 

      HANDAYANI, Rif’ati Dina (PROSIDING ICTTE FKIP UNS 2015, 2015-11-05)
      Classroom management is one of the tasks of teachers that are intended to create a conducive learning environment for students in the classroom. Classroom management skills have taken in this study is the skills related ...
    • Clinical Manifestation of Oral Tuberculosis 

      KURNIAWATI, Atik; MERTANIASIH, Ni Made; AGIL, Mangestuti (Fakultas MIPA - UNEJ, 2016-09-26)
      Tuberculosis (TB) is chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to WHO report, it infected almost one third people and Indonesia has been 5 position in the world. Tuberculosis is classified ...

      Sugiyantari, Diana; Titisari, Purnamie; Sumani (2017-02-27)
      Cloud computing is the application of computer-based information systems by utilizing the internet. Cloud computing can be accessed from any tool from any location and origin of the connected network. Cloud computing ...
    • Cluster Analysis of Several Coffea Arabica Genotype 

      Poerwoko, M.Setyo (2019-05-24)
    • Coastal Community Empowerment Strategy and the Role of Local Informal Leaders 

      PURWOWIBOWO, Purwowibowo; SANTOSO, Budhy; NUFUS, Belgis Hayyinatun; HENDRIJANTO, Kris (-, 2019-09-18)
      This article discusses the empowerment of coastal communities and the role of local informal leader in mangrove forest conservation. Mangrove forest has an ecological function of protecting the environment, including: ...
    • Coconut Sugar Business Development in Sari Manggar Coconut Sugar Crafters through Mold Design and Marketing 

      HERLINA, Herlina; INDRANINGRAT, Ketut; PRIHATINI, Dewi; UTAMI, Elok Sri; WIBOWO, Yuli (e - Prosiding Kolokium Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2022)
      Industri yang potensial dikembangkan dan menghasilkan produk yang layak ekspor di kabupaten Banyuwangi adalah industri pengolahan gula kelapa. Industri ini umumnya dikelola oleh para pengrajin yang tersebar di berbagai ...

      Wicaksono, Yudi; Wisudyaningsih, Budipratiwi; Siswoyo, Tri Agus (2017-01-23)
      Cocrystal is a relatively new solid form of active pharmaceutical ingredient that offers an alternative platform in improving physicochemical properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients Padrela et al., 2009; ...
    • Collaboration of Nurses and Dentists to Improving the Oral Health of the Elderly 

      HAMZAH, Zahreni; KARTIKASARI, Nadia; KUSHARIYADI, Kushariyadi (Proceeding International Agronursing Conference, 2023-05-05)
      Background: The population aged 60 years and over will increase from year to year. Aging does not have to be followed by various diseases if assistance or treatment is done properly and correctly. Currently, dental and ...
    • Colonic Atresia: A Case Report 

      SUPANGAT, Supangat; DARAJAT, Azka (The Hendren Project, 2019-06-27)
      Colonic Atresia: A Case Report
    • Colour Based Image Processing Method for Recognizing Ribbed Smoked Sheet Grade 

      Fibriani, Ike; Sumardi, Sumardi; Satriya, Alfredo Bayu; Utomo, Satryo Budi (2018-01-23)
      This research proposes a colour based image processing technique to recognize the Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) grade so that the RSS sorting process can be faster and more accurate than the traditional one. The RSS sheet ...
    • Community Education with Leadership as Mediation 

      HENDRAWIJAYA, Arief Tukiman; HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; HASAN, Fuad; ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi (The 1st International Conference on Neuroscience and Learning Technology 2021, 2023-01-04)
      This research aims to analyze and examine the direct effect of competence, partnership, teamwork, and innovation on leadership; to analyze and examine the direct effect of competence, partnership, teamwork, innovation, ...
    • Community Empowerment in Preserving Culture and Tourism Sector Development Through Social Capital (in the Village of Padang Tegal, District of Ubud, Gianyar, Bali) 

      Viphindrartin, Sebastiana; Zainuri, Zainuri; Ningrum, Indriani R; Prestianawati, Silvi Asna (2018-08-30)
      Tourism world is in its developing in every country in the world.Because, tourism itself give significant impacts for society.Bali island, is an island in Indonesia which has abundantb beautiful landscape and culture. Those ...
    • Community Empowerment of Limestone Mountain Area: Community Development Program PT Semen Puger Tbk. 

      ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; HENDRAWIJAYA, Arief Tukiman; INDRIANTI, Deditiani Tri; FAJARWATI, Linda (IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 485 (2020) 012075, 2020-06-02)
      Community empowerment activities through the Community Development Program (ComDev) are prioritized for communities in the Limestone Mountain mining exploration area, with village targets lacking facilities and ...