Asuhan Keperawatan Gangguan Pola Tidur pada Lansia dengan Hipertensi di Wilayah Pertanian
Background: Hypertension is a non-communicable disease (PTM) which is a health problem in the world and in Indonesia. On March 20, 2023 data was obtained from the Gondangwetan Health Center with a total of 1,632 male hypertension sufferers and 1,905 female sufferers, so the total number of hypertension sufferers in the Gondangwetan Health Center area reached 3,537 people. Hypertensive patients often experience sleep pattern disturbances due to headaches. Disruption of sleep patterns if not treated immediately can cause complications such as heart attacks, strokes, and psychological problems as well as a person's cognitive abilities. Treatment for disturbed sleep patterns can be in the form of sleep support such as progressive muscle relaxation therapy. Method : Case study is a study that aims to gather information, insight and understanding about a case. This case study was conducted on a hypertensive client with sleep disorder nursing problems. Results: after nursing care for three days, with progressive muscle relaxation therapy, it was found that the client experienced an increase in sleep quality and felt refreshed after waking up in the morning. Analysis: clients with sleep pattern disorder nursing problems by providing progressive muscle relaxation therapy to improve sleep quality in sleep pattern disorder clients.