Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Mitratani Dua Tujuh Jember
Export activities are able to encourage a company to dare to take best practices at the international level in order to be able to win competitiveness for the smooth running of its business, this is also done by PT. Mitratani Dua Tujuh Jember as a company engaged in the frozen vegetable industry with its main production being edamame beans. PT. Mitratani Dua Tujuh Jember, in its activities as an edamame bean producer and exporter, has exported edamame beans to Japan and several other countries such as America and Europe. Steps taken by PT. Mitratani Dua Tujuh Jember certainly requires a number of things, namely the application of innovation, technological advances and good employee performance, in order to be able to provide high quality and oriented products to the community. Employee performance has a big role in the company in order to be able to provide quality products. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence of work discipline on employee performance at PT. Mitratani Dua Tujuh Jember . This study uses a quantitative approach. The method used is explanatory research. Respondents in this study were permanent employees (non-managerial) at PT. Mitratani Dua Tujuh Jember and a minimum working period of 1 year, totaling 38 employees. With primary and secondary data sources as well as regression analysis techniques, determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.