Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Efektivitas Buku Saku PHBS di Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat 

      Hanif, Muthmainah Farida; Ririanty, Mury; Nafikadhini, Iken (2019-08-26)
      School children become one of the most vulnerable groups to health problems due to environmental factors and poor lifestyles, so they need for a strong support from the environment in the formation of Clean and Healthy ...
    • Perilaku Menjaga Kebersihan Organ Genetalia pada Konsumen Pembalut Herbal 

      Wati, Putri Sasmita; Ririanty, Mury; Nafikadini, Iken (2019-08-26)
      Sanitary napkins are disposable products that are commonly used by women every month.The use of sanitary napkins in women still provides the risk of various health problems. In 2015 the Indonesian Consumers Foundationalso ...
    • Pesticide application and the residu on Citrulus vulgaris (Schard) 

      MOELYANINGRUM, Anita Dewi; OKTAVIA, Noradilla Dwi; PUJIATI, Rahayu Sri; RAHMADI, Febi Dwi (Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health, 2020-05-01)
      Residues of pesticides can affect the ecological system and human health. The aim of this study identify the behavior of the watermelon`s [Citrullus vulgaris (Schard)] farmers in applicating the pesticides. There are ...