Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • Local Edge Antimagic Coloring of Comb Product of Graphs 

      Agustin, Ika Hesti; Hasan, Mohammad; Dafik, Dafik; Alfarisi, Ridho; Kristiana, Arika Indah; Prihandini, Rafiantika Megahnia (2018-07-03)
      All graph in this paper are ¯nite, simple and connected graph. Let G(V; E) be a graph of vertex set V and edge set E. A bijection f : V (G) ¡! f1; 2; 3; :::; jV (G)jg is called a local edge antimagic labeling if for any ...

      Agustin, Ika Hesti; Hasan, Mohammad; Dafik, Dafik; Alfarisi, Ridho; Prihandini, Rafiantika Megahnia (2018-02-28)
      All graphs considered in this paper are finite, simple and connected graphs. Let G(V, E) be a graph with the vertex set V and the edge set E, and let w be the edge weight of graph G. Then a bijection f: V (G) → {1, 2, 3, ...
    • The Local Multiset Dimension of Graphs 

      Alfarisi, Ridho; Dafik, Dafik; Kristiana, Arika Indah; Agustin, Ika Hesti (2019-09-02)
      All graphs in this paper are nontrivial and connected graph. For 𝑘-ordered set 𝑊 = {𝑠1, 𝑠2, … , 𝑠𝑘} of vertex set 𝐺, the multiset representation of a vertex 𝑣 of 𝐺 with respect to 𝑊 is 𝑟𝑚(𝑣|𝑊) = ...
    • Non-Isolated Resolving Number of Graph with Pendant Edges 

      Alfarisi, Ridho; Dafik, Dafik; Kristiana, Arika Indah; Agustin, Ika Hesti (2019-07-25)
      We consider V; E are respectively vertex and edge sets of a simple, nontrivial and connected graph G. For an ordered set W = fw g of vertices and a vertex v 2 G, the ordered r(vjW) = (d(v; w 1 ); d(v; w 2 1 ; w 2 ; ...
    • The non-isolated resolving number of k-corona product of graphs 

      Alfarisi, Ridho; Dafik, Dafik; Slamin, Slamin; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Kristiana, Arika Indah (2018-07-04)
      Let all graphs be a connected and simple graph. A set W = fw g of veretx set of G, the kvector ordered r(vjW) = (d(x; w 1 ); d(x; w 2 1 ; w 2 ); : : : ; d(x; w )) of is a representation of v with respect to W, ...
    • On Super Edge Local Antimagic Total Labeling by Using an Edge Antimagic Vertex Labeling Technique 

      Agustin, Ika Hesti; Dafik, Dafik; Marsidi, Marsidi; Alfarisi, Ridho; Kurniawati, Elsa Yuli (2019-07-25)
      In this paper, we consider that all graphs are finite, simple and connected. Let G(V,E) be a graph of vertex set V and edge set E. By a edge local antimagic total labeling, we mean a bijection f:V(G)∪E(G)→{1,2,3,...,|V(G)|+|E(G)|} ...
    • On the local edge antimagicness of m-splitting graphs 

      Albirri, Ermita Rizki; Dafik, Dafik; Slamin, Slamin; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Alfarisi, Ridho (2018-07-03)
      Let G be a connected and simple graph. A split graph is a graph derived by adding new vertex v 0 in every vertex v such that v 0 adjacent to v in graph G. An m-splitting graph is a graph which has m v 0 -vertices, ...
    • On The Local Metric Dimension of Line Graph of Special Graph 

      Marsidi, Marsidi; Dafik, Dafik; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Alfarisi, Ridho (2018-02-28)
      Let G be a simple, nontrivial, and connected graph. 𝑊 = {𝑤 } is a representation of an ordered set of k distinct vertices in a nontrivial connected graph G. The metric code of a vertex v, where 𝑣 ∈ G, the ordered ...
    • On the locating domination number of corona product 

      Santi, Risan Nur; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Dafik, Dafik; Alfarisi, Ridho (2018-07-04)
      Let G =(V (G),E(G) be a connected graph and v V (G). A dominating set for a graph G =(V, E) is a subset D of V such that every vertex not in D is adjacent to at least one member of D. The domination number γ(G) is the ...
    • On the total rainbow connection of the wheel related graphs 

      M.S Hasan; Slamin, Slamin; Dafik, Dafik; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Alfarisi, Ridho (2018-07-04)
      Let G = (V (G); E(G)) be a nontrivial connected graph with an edge coloring c : E(G) ! f1; 2; :::; lg; l 2 N, with the condition that the adjacent edges may be colored by the same colors. A path P in G is called rainbow ...
    • Super (a, d)-Cycles-Antimagic Labeling of Subdivision of a Fan Graph 

      Prihandini, Rafiantika Megahnia; Alfarisi, Ridho; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Dafik, Dafik (2018-12-21)
      We consider a simple, connected and undirected graph ( )EVG , with vertex set ()GV and edge set ( ).GE There is a super ( ) H-, da - antimagic total labeling on the graph ( )EVG , if there exists a ...
    • Super local edge antimagic total coloring of Pn . H 

      Kurniawati, Elsa Yuli; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Dafik, Dafik; Alfarisi, Ridho (2018-07-04)
      In this paper, we consider that all graphs are ¯nite, simple and connected. Let G(V; E) be a graph of vertex set V and edge set E. A bijection f : V (G) ¡! f1; 2; 3; :::; jV (G)jg is called a local edge antimagic labeling ...