Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • On the local edge antimagicness of m-splitting graphs 

      Albirri, Ermita Rizki; Dafik, Dafik; Slamin, Slamin; Agustin, Ika Hesti; Alfarisi, Ridho (2018-07-03)
      Let G be a connected and simple graph. A split graph is a graph derived by adding new vertex v 0 in every vertex v such that v 0 adjacent to v in graph G. An m-splitting graph is a graph which has m v 0 -vertices, ...
    • On the total H-irregularity strength of graphs: A new notion 

      Agustin, Ika Hesti; Dafik, Dafik; Marsidi, Marsidi; Albirri, Ermita Rizki (2018-02-28)
      A total edge irregularity strength of G has been already widely studied in many papers. The total -labeling is said to be a total edge irregular -labeling of the graph G if for every two di erent edges e 1 and e 2 , ...