Relationship Between Response Time Level of Patient Handling With Patient Satisfaction Level in Emergency of Klakah Lumajang Community Health Center
The health center is one of the health facilities that are widely
used by the community where the health center and its
network are the spearhead of health services in Indonesia.
Response time is an indicator of speed and accuracy in handling
patients which is calculated from the time the patient arrives
until the patient is treated. The purpose of this study was to
determine the Relationship between the Level of Response
Time Speed of Patient Handling and the Level of Patient
Satisfaction in the Emergency Room of the Klakah Health
Center. In this study, the sample determination used the
Accidental Sampling method and a Cross-sectional research
design with data collection techniques using questionnaires
and observations. The population in this study was 100
emergency room patients who met the inclusion and exclusion
criteria, with a sample of 80 respondents.The results obtained
that the Level of Response Time Speed of Handling Patients in
the Emergency Room of Klakah Health Center, Lumajang Most
of them are in the fast category, namely 67 people (83,8%), in
the slow category there are 12 respondents, namely (15%) and
in the very slow category there is 1 respondent, namely (1.3%).
This finding indicates that response time greatly influences the
level of patient satisfaction at the Klakah Health Center
Emergency Department in the fast category, namely 67 people
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]