Hubungan Peran Orang Tua dengan Perkembangan Bahasa pada Anak Usia Dini Usia 4-5 Tahun di PAUD NU Muslimat Senduro Kab.Lumajang
This study aims to determine the relationship between the role of parents
and language development in early childhood at PAUD NU Muslimat Senduro.
This research is a type of quantitative research. Located in PAUD NU Muslimat
Senduro, Lumajang Regency using the Purposive Area technique. Determine the
respondents using the Population technique. Techniques for obtaining data using
questionnaires and documentation. Data management and analysis techniques
used two stages, namely preparation and tabulation. In this study, quantitative
research was used with a level correlation technique. The results of this study
show that the relationship between the role of parents and language development
in early childhood has a relatively high correlation. The role of parents is
something that is very much needed for the growth and development of children
from toddler to adult, while the role of parents in children is responsible for
everything related to children starting from parenting, supervising children's
growth and development, caring for children's education. Aspects of language
development are: (1) Understanding language (2) Revealing language.