Potensi Plant Growth Promoting Rhizhobacteria (Pgpr) untuk Menekan Penyakit Busuk Bulir Padi (Burkholderia Glumae) Secara Invivo
ABSTRACT. Rice grain rot disease has been an A2 OPTK since 2017. Jember Regency is one of the affected areas, there are 3 sub-districts that were reported to have been attacked, namely Sumbersari, Mayang and Silo. The bacterium Burkhoderia glumae is a pathogen that causes grain rot disease in rice. Ear rot disease can result in yield loss of up to 75%. It is necessary to carry out proper and effective control, control with the APH application is one of the control techniques that can be carried out. This study aims to determine the potential of PGPR bacteria to control grain rot disease in rice plants. The research was carried out at the Integrated OPT Control Laboratory and the greenhouse of the Jember University Plant Protection Study Program starting in January-July. Observations were made in the following stages: (1) the incubation period, (2) the severity and rate of disease infection, (3) the effectiveness of control. The results showed that PGPR could reduce the severity between 0-2.8% and the rate of infection with a value of 0-0.14%. PGPR isolates resulting from exploration had the same level of effectiveness ranging from 63-91% in controlling rice grain rot, Ba.Kr had the highest level of effectiveness with a value of 91%.
- UT-Faculty of Agriculture [4289]