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dc.contributor.authorKISWARA, Elizah Fatma Alim
dc.descriptionFinalisasi repositori tanggal 8 Agustus 2024_Kurnadi_Raraen_US
dc.description.abstractPakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) is a plant that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. The problem often faced in pakcoy cultivation is not achieving maximum production due to excessive use of inorganic fertilizers, the use of liquid organic fertilizers and liquid biofertilizers is a way to overcome these problems. The research was conducted from February to April 2024 in the Greenhouse and Laboratory of Biology Education Study Program, University of Jember. Completely Randomized Design consists of 7 treatment levels, namely: p0 = 0 mL LOF and LBF/L water; p1 = 5 mL LOF/L water; p2 = 10 mL LOF/L water; p3 = 15 mL LOF/L water; p4 = 5 mL LBF/L water; p5 = 10 mL LBF/L water; p6 = 15 mL LBF/L water. The results showed that the treatment of liquid organic fertilizer and liquid biological fertilizer had a significant effect on the number of leaves parameter and had no significant effect on the parameters of plant height, wet weight, consumption weight, dry weight, relative leaf number growth rate, relative plant height growth rate, and harvest index of pakcoy. The results of liquid organic fertilizer are better for all parameters of growth and yield of pakcoy. The most influential treatments were p1 and p5. Educational products produced in the form of leaflets with an average feasibility score of 88,17% so that it is very feasible to use as a source of information for the general public.en_US
dc.description.sponsorship1. Dr. Ir. Imam Mudakir, M.Si. 2. Dr. Sulifah Aprilya H., S.Pd., M.Pd.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikanen_US
dc.subjectBrassica rapa L.en_US
dc.subjectLiquid fertilizeren_US
dc.titlePerbandingan Respon Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair dan Pupuk Hayati Cair terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanam Sawi Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) untuk Materi Penyusunan Leafleten_US
dc.identifier.prodiPendidikan Biologien_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. Ir. Imam Mudakir, M.Si.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Dr. Sulifah Aprilya H., S.Pd., M.Pd.en_US
dc.identifier.validatorrepo_ratna_Juli 2024en_US

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