Hubungan Antara Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik oleh Kepala Sekolah dengan Motivasi Kerja Guru SD di Kecamatan Tapen Kabupaten Bondowoso
Good quality education will produce good human resources as well. The aim of education and teaching cannot be separated from the existence of teachers who have optimal competence in the world of education. Work motivation in teachers also influences the high or low performance of teachers, so that with high motivation, teacher performance can be achieved optimally. Optimal motivation must also pay attention to the function of: (1) encouraging humans to act, as a driver or motor that releases energy. So motivation is the driver of every activity that will be carried out; (2) determining the direction of action, namely towards the goal to be achieved. Motivation provides direction and activities that must be carried out in accordance with the stated goals; and (3) selecting actions, namely by setting aside actions that are not useful for these goals (Sardiman, 2021), so that with high motivation, teachers are guaranteed to have good work performance/performance. The results of data analysis show that academic supervision contributes 17.22% to teacher work motivation, with the remainder influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Questionnaire data shows that academic supervision receives high and consistent assessments from teachers and school principals, while teacher work motivation tends to be high although there are variations. The normality test shows that the two variables, both academic supervision and teacher work motivation, are normally distributed, which supports the validity of the statistical analysis carried out. The results of the linearity test also show that the relationship between academic supervision and teacher work motivation can be explained linearly, providing a strong basis for the interpretation of the results and implications for the development of school management policies and practices.