Analisis Numerik Penyempitan Pembuluh Darah Penyebab Penyakit Jantung Iskemik Menggunakan Metode Volume Hingga
Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by too much
cholesterol plaque on the walls of the arteries. Excessive cholesterol plaque
buildup can disrupt the circulatory system thereby affecting the speed and
pressure of blood flow. In the long term, atherosclerosis can cause ischemic heart
disease, due to a heart condition that doesn't get enough blood and oxygen (O2)
supply. This study aims to analyze blood flow in narrowed arteries that cause
ischemic heart disease. Processing fluid dynamics is a solution to overcome this
research problem, with the influences that determine pressure and velocity on
blood vessel constriction. Simulations were carried out to determine the effect of
pressure and blood flow velocity on vessel diameter, stenosis, and initial velocity.
In this study, a mathematical model was built which was solved using the finite
volume method with SIMPLE discretization (Semi Implicit Method for Pressure
Linked Equations). Matlab and Fluent are software used for process simulation,
Matlab is for visualizing graphs and Fluent is for visualizing blood flow. Based on
the simulation results, it can be concluded that the smaller the diameter, the
greater the stenosis, and the greater the initial velocity, the greater the velocity of
blood flow. Meanwhile, the smaller the diameter, the greater the stenosis, and the
greater the initial velocity, the less pressure on the blood flow. Simulation of blood
flow that does not have the potential for ischemic heart disease if the maximum
speed generated is greater than the maximum speed of normal blood, which is
0.45 m/s. Iteration on a scaled residual graph shows that the residual value on a
scaled residual graph is getting closer to zero so that the resulting iterations