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dc.contributor.authorRobby Perdana Sakti
dc.description.abstractThese days, computer is widely used in people’s daily life, from working to only playing interests. The various activities using hands for long period of time are closely associated with the incidence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). This research aims to analyze the correlation of individual characteristics and work situation and CTS. This research was used cross sectional method involving 78 respondents and used odds ratio (OR) to find rate of risk. The results of this research show that the OR among CTS and age (OR = 1,312); sex (OR = 1,746); work period (OR = 2,132); side job, length of work (OR = 1,415); and work station. In order to lower the possibility of incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome to computer operators, it is highly recommended that working condition be properly managed. The proper organization and management include organization on work shifts and facilities at workstation like the height of chairs, tables, and armrest which may increase the risk of the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome, respectively.en_US
dc.subjectIndividual characteristic, working condition, carpal tunnel syndrome, computer operatorsen_US
dc.titleHUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK INDIVIDU DAN KONDISI KERJA DENGAN KEJADIAN CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (CTS) (Studi pada Operator Komputer Warung Internet di Kelurahan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember)en_US

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