Peran Liaison Officer Assistant dalam Event Preston Festival pada Event Organizer Timur Activation Malang
Organizing an event will not run optimally without a liaison officer. Liaison officer is a contact person in an event that is used to achieve the best utilization between service workers and service customers. In the implementation of real work practices in East Activation the author gets the task as a liaison officer assistant who has the duty of a liaison officer during the pre-event, namely compiling the requirements listed in the technical riders and putting them together in an excel file and making an itinerary for artist activities, at the event, namely being a reminder of the road man in accordance with the artist's appearance itinerary and thanked the representative of all event committee to the artist and team and invited them to return to the hotel, after the event, namely reminding the road man regarding check out hours then departure to the airport and escorting the artist to the airport to make the flight home according to the itinerary that has been prepared. In this real work practice report the author uses a qualitative descriptive method by explaining the data obtained from observations during real work practices that took place in the east of Activation which is located in Malang City, East Java on January 5 - June 5 2023, with data collection techniques using the observation method , literature study, interviews, and documentation.
- DP-Travel Agent [255]