Pengembangan Media Komik Setrip Berbasis FLipbook untuk Pembelajaran Teks Cerita Fantasi Kelas VII SMP/MTs
Learning media is one of learning component. It means that learning media related to other component, like teacher, students, method, purpose, material, and evaluation. This study aims to meet the need for learning media on fantasy story text learning for class VII SMP/MTs with kurikulum merdeka. This research is a type of development research. Research and development or what is known as R&D is carried out using the 4D research model (define, design, develope, and disseminate). The main instrument in this research is researches themselves. This research develops flipbook-based comic setrip to become learning media in fantasy text story learning. Aspect asssesed to test media feasibi;ity include media appereance, effectivenss and efficiency, content substance, and language.