The Cognitive Domain Of Reading Tasks In The Prescribed ELT Textbook For Senior High School Student The Content Analysis Using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
This research aimed to analyze the reading task level of students' English textbook grade X based on Revision Bloom’s Taxonomy. This study would be a content study which analyzed the reading tasks in English for the Senior High School Grade X textbook published by The Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia based on the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Using a quantitative method, the data were collected by using a checklist. There were six steps of collecting data: reading the textbook 'Bahasa Inggris', choosing every reading task, grouping reading tasks, examining the categorized reading tasks, showing the analysis findings, and coming to a decision. The finding revealed that the questions in the textbook did not cover all of the cognitive levels which consisted of remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Cognitive levels found in the textbook were as follows: remembering level consists of 132 questions or 70.97%, understanding level consists of 22 questions or 11.87%, applying level consists of 2 questions or 1.08%, analyzing level consists of 12 questions or 6.45%, evaluating level consists of 11 questions or 5.91% and creating level consists of 7 questions or 3.76%.