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dc.contributor.authorRACHMASARI, Elisa
dc.description.abstractThis research focuses on the analysis of the b-coloring and its scheme application in companion farming using the Spatial Temporal Graph Neural Network (STGNN). Companion farming is utilized in agriculture to minimize crop pests. The b-coloring analysis in companion farming is used to determine the number of plant species. Soil moisture and pH are crucial factors that affect the growth and yield of companion farming, as they have a direct impact on productivity and plant health. In cases where there is a lack of soil moisture and pH, various types of companion planting need to be watered. To effectively address this issue, including soil moisture dan pH data, is required to predict future soil moisture and pH values in companion farming. Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network (STGNN) technique proves to be useful in solving the problem of soil moisture and pH by understanding and modeling multi-step time series data. This technique aids in effectively managing and optimizing companion farming.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipProf. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. Dr. Arika Indah Kristiana, S.Si., M.Pd.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikanen_US
dc.subjectcompanion farmingen_US
dc.titleAnalisis b-Coloring pada Graf dan Skema Aplikasinya pada Multi-step Time Series Forecasting Kelembapan dan pH Tanah Pertanian Tumpangsarien_US
dc.identifier.prodiPendidikan Matematikaen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Dr. Arika Indah Kristiana, S.Si., M.Pd.en_US

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