Efektivitas Kombinasi Serbuk Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus Hystrix) dan Daun Asam Jawa (Tamarindus Indica) terhadap Sitophilus Oryzae L. pada Beras
Hama utama yang menyerang beras salah satunya yaitu Sitophilus oryzae.
Pengendalian secara hayati menggunakan pestisida nabati bersifat aman dan
ramah lingkungan. Contoh tumbuhan yang dapat digunakan sebagai pestisida
nabati yaitu jeruk purut dan asam jawa. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui
efektivitas kombinasi perlakuan daun jeruk purut dan daun asam jawa dalam
mengendalikan hama S. oryzae. Penelitian dilakukan di Labolatorium Hama Prodi
Proteksi Tanaman, Universitas Jember. Metode penelitian menggunakan
Rancaangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), yang terdiri dari perlakuan P0 (tanpa
insektisida nabati), P1 (20 g jeruk purut), P2 (20 g asam jawa), P3 (12 g jeruk
purut dan 8 g asam jawa), P4 (8 g jeruk purut dan 12 g asam jawa), P5(14 g jeruk
purut dan 6 g asam jawa) , dan P6 (6 g jeruk purut dan 14 g asam jawa). Setiap
perlakuan terdapat 4 ulangan. Jumlah imago yang digunakan 10 ekor/100 g beras
dengan perbandingan 5:5. Beras yang digunakan beras organik varietas Ciherang.
Parameter pengamatan yaitu mortalitas hama S. oryzae, perkembangan
populasi imago, kehilangan susut bobot, dan lethal time 50. Data yang diperoleh
dianalisis dengan uji Ragam ANOVA, dan diuji lanjut dengan uji lanjutan DMRT
pada taraf kepercayaan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kombinasi serbuk daun
jeruk purut dan daun asam jawa memberikan pengaruh nyata yaitu perlakuan P3
(serbuk 12 g daun jeruk purut dan 8 g daun asam jawa) perlakuan terbaik yang
menghasilkan mortalitas S. oryzae sebesar 65% dengan nilai LT50 paling cepat
yaitu dapat mematikan serangga dalam waktu 5,15 hari, pertambahan imago
sebesar 10,75 ekor, dan perlakuan paling baik dalam mengurangi resiko susut
bobot beras dengan persentase susut bobot sebesar 2,15%
Kata Kunci : Beras, S. oryzae, Jeruk purut, Asam jawa
One of the main pests that attack rice is Sitophilus oryzae. Biological
control using plant pesticides is safe and environmentally friendly. Examples of
plants that can be used as vegetable pesticides are kaffir lime and tamarind. This
research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the combined treatment
of kaffir lime leaves and tamarind leaves in controlling S. oryzae pests. The
research was conducted at the Pest Laboratory of the Plant Protection Study
Program, University of Jember. The research method used a completely
randomized design (CRD), which consisted of treatments P0 (without vegetable
insecticides), P1 (20 g kaffir lime), P2 (20 g tamarind), P3 (12 g kaffir lime and 8
g tamarind), P4 (8 g of kaffir lime and 12 g of tamarind), P5 (14 g of kaffir lime
and 6 g of tamarind), and P6 (6 g of kaffir lime and 14 g of tamarind). Each
treatment has four replications. The number of imago used was ten
individuals/100 g of rice with a ratio of 5:5. The rice used is organic rice of the
Ciherang variety.
The observed parameters were S. oryzae mortality, development of the
imago population, weight loss, and lethal time 50. The data obtained were
analyzed using the ANOVA test of variance and further tested with the DMRT
follow-up test at a 5% confidence level. The results showed that the combination
of kaffir lime leaf powder and tamarind leaf powder had a significant effect,
namely the P3 treatment (12 g kaffir lime leaf powder and 8 g tamarind leaf
powder), the best treatment, which resulted in S. oryzae mortality of 65% with the
fastest LT50 value which can kill insects within 5.15 days, imago growth of 10.75
tails, and the best treatment in reducing the risk of rice weight loss with a weight
loss percentage of 2.15%.
Key Words : Rice, S. oryzae, kaffir lime, tamarind
- UT-Faculty of Agriculture [4328]