dc.description.abstract | We propose a family of models called row–column interaction models
(RCIMs) for two-way table responses. RCIMs apply some link function to a para meter (such as the cell mean) to equal a row effect plus a column effect plus an
optional interaction modelled as a reduced-rank regression. What sets this work apart
from others is that our framework incorporates a very wide range of statistical mod els, e.g., (1) log-link with Poisson counts is Goodman’s RC model, (2) identity-link
with a double exponential distribution is median polish, (3) logit-link with Bernoulli
responses is a Rasch model, (4) identity-link with normal errors is two-way ANOVA
with one observation per cell but allowing semi-complex modelling of interactions of
the form ACT , (5) exponential-link with normal responses are quasi-variances. Pro posed here also is a least significant difference plot augmentation of quasi-variances.
Being a special case of RCIMs, quasi-variances are naturally extended from the M = 1
linear/additive predictor η case (within the exponential family) to the M > 1 case (vec tor generalized linear model families). A rank-1 Goodman’s RC model is also shown
to estimate the site scores and optimums of an equal-tolerances Poisson unconstrained
quadratic ordination. New functions within the VGAM R package are described with
examples. Altogether, RCIMs facilitate the analysis of matrix responses of many data
types, therefore are potentially useful to many areas of applied statistics. | en_US |