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dc.contributor.authorAZIZAH, Muftihatul
dc.contributor.authorSUNARDI, Sunardi
dc.contributor.authorYUDIANTO, Erfan
dc.description.abstractThe mathematical process is one part of mathematical literacy that students need to have in solving mathematical problems. Therefore, students who have good mathematical processing skills will find it easier to solve mathematical problems related to the real world. This article aims to determine students' mathematical literacy skills in solving story problems based on mathematical processes. The story problem in question is a math problem related to the real world. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. Data analysis techniques in this study consist of data collection, data reduction, display data, and verification. The subjects of this study were three students from the ninth grade in one of the junior high schools in Banyuwangi. Subjects were selected based on three considerations, namely academic ability, teacher recommendations, and students' willingness. The story questions given consist of two story questions about Quadrilateral material. The indicators of mathematical literacy ability used in this study include: (1) understanding the problem, (2) selecting knowledge, (3) outlining plans, (4) solving and reasoning, and (5) evaluating results in problem solving. The results showed that the mathematical literacy ability of the ninth graders in solving the story problems of the quadrilateral material had not met all the indicators of the mathematical literacy process. In addition, the results of the study also showed that students were not accustomed to writing down the information contained in the questions, and did not describe the completion plan clearly. From these results it is suggested that teachers train to involve the mathematical process in the learning process so that students are accustomed to solving problems related to the real world and can improve their mathematical literacy skills.en_US
dc.publisherAIP Conference Proceedingsen_US
dc.subjectStudents' Mathematical Literacy Ability in Solving Story Problemsen_US
dc.titleStudents' Mathematical Literacy Ability in Solving Story Problemsen_US

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