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dc.contributor.authorKRISTIANA, Arika Indah
dc.contributor.authorKRISTIANA, Arika Indah
dc.contributor.authorALFARISI, Ridho
dc.contributor.authorDAFIK, Dafik
dc.description.abstractWe introduce the notion of distance irregular labeling, called the local distance ir regular labeling. We define λ : V (G) −→ {1, 2, . . . , k} such that the weight calculated at the vertices induces a vertex coloring if w(u) 6= w(v) for any edge uv. The weight of a vertex u ∈ V (G) is defined as the sum of the labels of all vertices adjacent to u (distance 1 from u), that is w(u) = Σy∈N(u)λ(y). The minimum cardinality of the largest label over all such irregular assignment is called the local distance irregularity strength, denoted by disl(G). In this paper, we found the lower bound of the local distance irregularity strength of graphs G and also exact values of some classes of graphs namely path, cycle, star graph, complete graph, (n, m)-tadpole graph, unicycle with two pendant, binary tree graph, complete bipartite graphs, sun graphen_US
dc.publisherTWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematicsen_US
dc.subjectDistance irregularity labelingen_US
dc.subjectlocal distance irregularity strengthen_US
dc.subjectsome families graphen_US
dc.titleLocal Distance Irregular Labeling of Graphsen_US

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