The Existence and Management of Islamic Boarding Schools (Comparative Study of Assunniyyah Islamic Boarding School and Baitul Arqom Islamic Boarding School Jember, East Java, Indonesia)
ROSYID, Achmad Fathor
SOFYAN, Akhmad
SIDIQ, Mahfudz
Show full item recordAbstract
The study aims to explain
the public policies that have been
carried out by Islamic boarding
schools in maintaining the
existence of governance in the
concept of public administration by
using political, management and
legal approaches, new public
service and governance approaches
to policies regarding pesantren, so
as to provide an overview of the
existence of pesantren in the
middle of the administrative
process in the field of education.
governance model that has been
developed by salaf and khalaf
Islamic boarding schools in Jember
Regency. This type of phenomenology research with a
qualitative research approach based on the philosophy of
postpositivism with primary and secondary data samples
through purposive sampling and snowball. The research method
is a comparative study (Cross case study). The data collection
techniques used are Observation, In-Depth Interview, Interview,
Documentation and Literature Study. The stages of analysis in
this research are domain analysis, taxonomic analysis,
component analysis, and discovering cultural theme. Based on
the analysis model, the researcher can develop a critical analysis
model. The existence and governance of Islamic boarding
schools in the two pesantren have the same estuary, namely the
formation of good pesantren governance. The Good Pesantren
Governance of the pesantren is built on three main pillars,
namely the values of the pesantren which are sourced from the
study of the pesantren's yellow book including the attitude of
Tawadhu ', Ikhlas, Qana'ah Tabarruk, Innovative. The second is
built based on the leadership model owned by Kiai in pesantren
with a collegial collective system as well as an individual
system as well as the spirit of pesantren independence in
managing education and curriculum, leadership models and
management of resources and sources of funds.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]