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dc.contributor.authorADI, Setiyo
dc.contributor.authorIRAWAN, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorSUROSO, Imam
dc.contributor.authorSUDARYANTO, Sudaryanto
dc.description.abstractThe existence of banking institutions has an important role in the country's economy. Banking institutions have three main functions, namely financial intermediary, agent of development and agent of trust. The existence and sustainability of banking institutions must be pursued as much as possible by bank managers, because their existence can improve the economy. One of the efforts made by banking institutions is to channel credit to those in need to meet customer needs and to earn profits for banking institutions. This research is an explanatory research with a quantitative model. Service quality and innovation of a bank will improve the company's image, sustainable competitive advantage based on loyalty and the intention to re-elect in one bank. Innovation also affects customer satisfaction, while loyalty-based sustainable competitive advantage is also influenced by the image of banking companies. Loyalty-based sustainable competitive advantage affects the intention to re-elect in one bank. For further research to be more specific on the quality of consumer credit services, a collaborative approach to customers is needed which is social capital and focuses on innovation that provides convenience for customers while maintaining the company's image in the eyes of customers because this is the key to a loyalty-based sustainable competitive advantage.en_US
dc.publisherQuality Access to Successen_US
dc.subjectLoyalty-based sustainable competitive advantageen_US
dc.subjectservice qualityen_US
dc.subjectcorporate imageen_US
dc.subjectcustomer satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectrepurchase intentionen_US
dc.titleLoyalty-Based Sustainable Competitive Advantage and Intention to Choose Back at One Banken_US

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